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Student Data Review 

Summary: The Student Data Review Report displays student counts and percentages as of the October snapshot date from the fall PEIMS submission, as well as Leaver data from prior year.

Usage: Review student groups by counts and percentages for multi year comparisons for entire district or by campus. This is very similar to the Fall dashboard data, but can be exported to Excel.

Data Sources: Fall PEIMS

  • 40100 Student Basic Information Sub-Category
    StudentExtension Complex Type
  • 40110 Enrollment Sub-Category
    StudentProgramExtension Complex Type
  • 41461 Title I, Part A Program Sub-Category
    StudentTitleIPartAProgramAssociationExtension Complex Type
  • 40203 School Leaver Sub-Category
    SchoolLeaverExtension Complex Type


  • Enrollment is the total number of students at snapshot.
  • Membership is the number of students who are receiving instruction at least 2 hours a day as reflected by their ADA eligibility code in Fall PEIMS (excludes ADA eligibility code 0 students)
  • Leavers are displayed in the year they are reported to PEIMS, but the drill downs display the prior year when they left


  • All Percentages are rounded to the nearest hundredth
  • Enrollment by Grade Percentages = Total in grade level / Total Enrollment
  • Membership (ADA Eligibility > 0) = Total in membership / Total Enrollment
  • Gender = Total in gender / Total Enrollment
  • Ethnic Distribution = Total in ethnicity / Total Enrollment
  • Student by Indicator = Total in special program / Total Enrollment
  • Economic Disadvantage
    • Free, Reduced, Other = Total in status / Total Economic Disadvantage
    • Regular, Special Education = Total in program / Total Enrollment
    • Total Economic Disadvantage = Total Economic Disadvantage / Total Enrollment
  • Homeless
    • Individual Homeless codes = Total in homeless code / Total Homeless
    • Total Homeless = Total Homeless / Total Enrollment
    • Unaccompanied Youth = Unaccompanied Youth / Total Homeless
  • LEP
    • Regular, Special Education = Total in program / Total Enrollment
    • Total LEP = Total LEP / Total Enrollment
  • Student Attribution = Total attribution code / Total Enrollment
  • Title I
    • Individual Title I codes = Total in Title I code / Total Title I
    • Total Title I = Total Title I / Total Enrollment
  • Graduate Leavers – 01
    • Ethnicity = Total graduates in ethnicity / Total Graduates Reported
    • Total Graduates Reported = Total Graduates Reported / Prior Year Total Grade 12 Attendance
  • Dropout Leavers
    • Individual dropout leaver reason codes = Total in dropout leaver reason / Prior Year Total Grade 7-12 Attendance
    • Total Dropouts Reported = Total Dropouts Reported / Prior Year Total Grade 7-12 Attendance
  • All Other Leavers
    • Individual leaver reason codes = Total in leaver reason / Total Other Leavers
    • Total Other Leavers = Total Other Leavers / Total Leavers
    • Total Leavers = Total Leavers / Prior Year Total Grade 7-12 Attendance


  • Filter on:
    • Multi-select Year (defaults to most current year)
    • Multi-select Campus (default to All)
  • Focus list to run counts and percentages on groups of students
  • Tools drop-down:
    • Hide Zero Value Rows to hide null or zero value rows for years selected
    • Show Zero Value Rows to show null or zero value rows for years selected (default)
Updated on 11/02/2021

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