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Authentication Settings (LDAP)

This tab allows LEAs to utilize Active Directory LDAP for user authentication and management.

Default Authentication

The default authentication is set to On Point. To change this to LDAP you must click on the LDAP AD box to initiate the setup process.

Entering Required LDAP Authentication Information

Upon clicking the LDAP AD box, it will display text input boxes (Shown in the screen shot below). The Bind DN and User search base input fields are filled automatically as the administrator enters the information for the Server IP/Name, User Email and Password fields.

Automatic adjustment is provided for ease of use however; both those boxes may be adjusted individually in order to establish a connection and they are also both required.

Requires SSL:  When selected will encrypt the data between OnPoint and your districts LDAP server.  (Higher Security Level)

Authentication Only: When selected will only check the user name and the password from the districts LDAP server and it will not account for any LDAP user or Group Settings. It will only verify the user name and password.

After the LDAP connection parameters have been provided, the administrator must “Save” the information.

Upon clicking the “Save” button the page will test connection to the LDAP server. If connection fails with the provided information, the system will revert to the “On Point” user authentication method.

Administrators must establish a successful LDAP connection upon submitting this form in order to keep LDAP as a user authentication method.

Updated on 10/11/2021

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