Understanding College Board Reporting Dates in OnDataSuite (As of 01/10/2019)
When uploading your college board AP files into the file center, the system will no longer require the user to select an associated testing year. Because this report can be generated at any time throughout a school year and can include multiple past year results per student, the associated testing year will now utilize the College Board specified “Admin Year” column (59) to determine and categorize the file center associated testing year.
NOTE: AP file issue for 2019
We are currently aware that the current file provided by the college board as a download to districts is generated as an excel (XLS / XLSX). However the file is actually mislabeled by the college board as it is a CSV file saved as an XLS file. We have made adjustments in our file center upload to accept the current XLS file. Please download this file locally to your computer and DO NOT attempt to open or change it. Just upload it directly into the file center.
Example of display in File Center of assigned year