Summary: This report is a reflection of the TEA desk audit that will provide a list of EE students without a SE Instructional setting or an instructional setting of Speech Only.
NOTE: Students marked as EE but not SPED will have no Instructional setting and display”blanks”.
Usage: Verify EE student’s Instructional settings and ADA codes for funding.
NOTE: Documentation (ARD/IEP) should be in place to verify students coding for audit purposes.
Data Sources: Fall PEIMS
- 41163 Special Education Program Sub-Category
- StudentSpecialEdProgramAssociationExtension Complex Type (Instructional Setting)
Notes: To claim funding for EE students, they must qualify as per the SAAH:
Special Education with an Instructional setting other than Speech Only.
Age: 0-2 must be visually or auditorily impaired or both.
Age 3+: Any disabling condition other than Speech Only
If Instructional Setting is Speech Only (0), ADA code should either be ineligible (4,5) or (0) if instruction time is less than 2 hours a day to indicate to that no FSP funding is being requested for the student being served.