Report Location: Student>Student Data Validation>Funding Data Validation and Staff>Staff Data Validation
Summary: This report will trigger a list of CTE courses who do not appear to be meeting for the 45 min per days required for funding, along with the campus, teacher, service ID, and minutes associated with the class.
Usage: Locate CTE courses that are not eligible for funding. Check to ensure minutes were entered into SIS correctly for accurate reporting, and if so, then strive to extend the length of bell schedule minutes for each course in order to claim funding.
Special Note: This report uses the 30090 Responsibility Monthly Minutes – E1057 element that is exported from the SIS to the PEIMS files. If those numbers appear low, you will need to review the source master schedule for the classes involved to determine what could be causing the decrease. Questions to ask: are they block scheduling courses, is days met involved, is there a table conversion that is incorrect? Basically, the monthly minutes’ source is from the PEIMS files your vendor produces; there is no calculation in OnDataSuite for the monthly minutes, only minutes by day.
Data Source: Fall PEIMS
- 30090 Responsibility
- Service ID – E0724 for CTE courses from code table C022
- 2020-2021 and beyond based on staff 30090 record
- Prior to 2020-2021 based on student 170 record
- Class ID – E1056
- Monthly Minutes – E1057
- Minutes Per Day – Calculated by taking the 30090 Responsibility Monthly Minutes (E1057) / 20 Days (number of days for the 4 weeks in Oct)