Summary: This report does a unique count of teachers for elementary grade level ranges across multiple years by campus. The regional level displays the counts by LEAs.
Usage: Teacher counts by grades can be used for grant opportunities, longitudinal trend review, or other reporting requirements.
Data Sources: Fall PEIMS Records
- Interchange Staff Association
- 30040 – StaffExtension Complex Type
- 30090 – StaffResponsibilitiesExtension Complex Type
- Role ID (E0721) = 087
- Service IDs are broken down by grade level and include those that go across grade levels (ex: 02000000-Elementary, Grades 1-6)
- Teachers are counted once if they have at least one service ID matching to the grade level range
- Include Service IDs SE and SR (Default to ‘No’, not include)
- Change toggle to ‘Yes’ to include teachers who have service IDs that start with SE or SR, for example, SE000001-Special Education, Generic
- Note: If teachers have at least one service ID that starts with SE or SR, they will not be included if set to ‘No’
- Multi-select Year filter (Default Most Recent 3 Years)
- Grade Range Slider (Default PK-05)
- Multi-select Campus filter (Default All Campuses)
- Note: ESC Level District filter (Default All Districts)
- Drill down on teacher counts to review detailed staff list including service IDs