Staff Profile>TEA Ed-Fi IODS

Detailed staff information from the live TEA Ed-Fi IODS can be viewed on the staff’s profile. When viewing a staff profile scroll down on the left-side navigation menu to the bottom.

The information listed is in JSON format and follows domains and entities found in the TEDS ODS Upgrade Data Standards documents found here:

We will continue to add categories throughout the school year.

NOTE: OnDataSuite does not have the ability to determine why a staff record is coded a particular way in the TEA Ed-Fi IODS. You will need to contact your SIS or ERP vendors for discrepancies.

Use Copy top right-hand side of screen to paste data shown to the Clipboard for moving into another application, Word, Excel, etc.

Scroll further down on screen to see Definitions and specific tx sections that contain the elements included in the domain/entity shown on the screen along with file specifications for the element.



  • Staff Domain
    • Staff Entity

Staff Ed Org Assignment Association

  • Staff Domain
    • StaffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation Entity

Staff Ed Org Employment Association

  • Staff Domain
    • StaffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociation Entity

Staff School Association

  1. Staff Domain
    • StaffSchoolAssociation Entity

Finance Payroll Ext (TX)

  • Finance Domain
    • PayrollExt Entity

T&L Sections

  • Teaching and Learning Domain
    • Section Entity

T&L Staff Section Assoc.

  • Teaching and Learning Domain
    • StaffSectionAssociation Entity

Updated on 09/13/2024

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