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ESSA Equity Report

Report Location: Accountability>Federal: Accountability Report Center>ESSA, Title I Equity Plan

ESSA Equity Report

Summary: This report exemplifies how TEA is looking at low-income and minority students being served at campuses at a disproportionate rate of inexperienced teachers (teachers in their first two years of teaching).


  • The Poverty Groups displays the disproportionate rates between the district’s high and low quartile, as well as between the district’s high quartile and the state average.
  • The Minority Group displays the disproportionate rates between the district’s high and low quartile, as well as between the district’s high quartile and the state average.
  • To see campuses in each quartile:
    • Sort column by low income. Campuses in the High and Low quartiles are color coded.
    • Sort column by minority (not white) students. Campuses in the High and Low quartiles are color coded.

Data Sources:

  • PEIMS Fall and Summer XML files one year prior to year filter
    • Student Percentages:
      • Unique count by student id based on Summer attendance records (42400)
      • Attributed to all campuses attended
    • Staff Percentages:
      • Unique count by staff id based on Fall responsibility (30090)
      • Attributed to all campuses taught


  • Inexperienced Teacher: Role-ID = 087 and Total Years Professional Experience = 00 or 01 in Fall submission Divided by Total Role-ID =087.
  • Low Income: Students coded Economically Disadvantaged (01,02,99) in either Fall or Summer submission
  • Minority: Students not coded as white, alone.
  • Quartile: Campuses sorted by Low Income for 1 report and for Minority on the other report. Then divided as evenly as possible into 4 groups. The High and Low groups are selected. The teachers who have less than 3 years of experience are averaged at those Campuses for both quartiles.
  • Disproportionate: The difference between the rate at which low-income students or students of color are taught by inexperienced teachers and the rate at which their peers are taught by inexperienced teachers.

Special Notes:

  • State Averages are updated by the year filter and changed once TEA posts the most recent State Average to the https://texasequitytoolkit.org/ page.
  • Comparison will be made with High and Low quartiles at the District and the High quartile % with the state % of inexperienced teachers for both the low-income students and the students of color.


RowComparisonInexperienced Teachers
Equity Gap Calculations: Low-Income Students
AHigh-poverty quartile9.56%
BLow-poverty quartile4.03%
CDistrict equity gap: High-poverty quartile minus low-poverty quartile (row A-row B)9.56%-4.03% =5.53%
DState average13.05%
EState equity gap: High-poverty quartile minus state average (row A-row D)9.56%-13.05% =-3.49%
Equity Gap Calculations: Students of Color
FHigh-minority quartile9.03%
GLow-minority quartile4.41%
HDistrict equity gap: High-minority quartile minus low-minority quartile (row F-row G)9.56%-4.03% =5.53%
EState equity gap: High-minority quartile minus state average (row F-row D)9.03%-13.05% =-4.02%

Resource for qualifications and calculations:

Updated on 03/17/2023

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