Summary: This report will display students who have either a home language or student language code reported differently than what their original code was.
Usage: Review this report to see if changes need to made to Home or Student Language codes to capture original coding.
Data Sources: PEIMS Fall Submission
- Interchange Student
- 40100 – Student Extension Complex Type
- Home Language – E0895 (C092)
- Prior Home Language
- If original PEIMS fall submission reporting for this student has a different Home Language code:
- It lists the year of original coding along with the Home Language code that was reported that year
- Is highlighted red so it is easy to see if it is the Home Language or the Student Language with the issue (or both)
- If original PEIMS fall submission reporting for this student has a different Home Language code:
- Student Language – E1590 (C092)
- Prior Student Language
- If original PEIMS fall submission reporting for this student has a different Student Language code:
- It lists the year of original coding along with the Student Language code that was reported that year
- Is highlighted red so it is easy to see if it is the Home Language or the Student Language with the issue (or both)
- If original PEIMS fall submission reporting for this student has a different Student Language code:
- Filter on:
- Multi select Campus (Default All Campuses)
- Multi select Grade (Default All Grades)
- Single select Year (Default most recent PEIMS fall year loaded to File Center)