Report Location: Finance > Finance Custom Reports > Budget Review Reports > Budget – Revenues by Fund and Object
Summary: This report is based upon PEIMS Budget information and is designed to provide a Revenue Fund Object Matrix report for Fall PEIMS review and comparions.
Usage: Use this report to crosscheck and verify your Fall PEIMS Budget submission matches your board adopted budget. The various filters allow you to analyze and look at your board adopted budget as submitted to PEIMS throughout the year. In addition, the report can be generated to compare and monitor year to year changes.
Data Source(s):
- Interchange Budget Extension
- 20030 Budget Complex Type
- By Required Budget fund each revenue object class (57xx, 58xx and 59xx) is subtotaled.
- The % column is calculated as a percentage of the Total Expenditures (i.e. each fund by object class reveue total is divided by the Total Fund Revenue).
- Total Fund Percentage is calculated as the Total Fund Revenues divided by the grand Total Revenue reported.
- Year filter (Default latest PEIMS file loaded) – multi-year selection available
- Drill down on amounts to see detailed budget records reported in respective total
- Under Tools – Hide Zero Value Columns (for any fund classes not reported they can be removed from the report)
- Under Tools – Export to Excel
- Under Tools – Heatmap for readability