File Center Tips Before You Upload

Always review the OnDataSuite manual PRIOR to uploading a file

In a data warehouse environment each uploaded file can be different and every file type and format can change from year to year.

OnDataSuite understands this and each year we review every accepted file type for changes that may need to be implemented in order to ensure your data is uploaded without issue.

We provide web based knowledge base (KB) articles specific to each file that allows us to convey timely, important information about the file structure of every file you can upload into your file center. Files that are uploaded that do not meet the necessary specification will either not be uploaded, or can result in ‘miscalculated’ reported results. This is why we ask that every person that uploads a file please review the manual PRIOR to uploading any file.

File Information Link: Specific file center instructions available for every file

The OnDataSuite file center makes it easy to access information about any file you are attempting to upload. Anytime you are in the file center and you click on a blue button to indicate which type of file you are going to upload, you will see the green upload button labeled with the same file upload type. This confirms that you are in the location you wish to upload to. Just above each green button is a red hyperlink that when clicked upon, will take you to the exact location in the OnDataSuite manual that is associated with the file type.

Updated on 01/10/2023

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