Regional Report ONLY
Report Location: Student>Student Data Validation> Summer Limited Scope Attendance Audit Review (TEA Desk Audit)>Summer Students >= 45 Total Days Membership By Rep Period on Multiple Districts
Summary: This is a regional report listing students reported as enrolled at two or more LEAs during the same reporting period for greater than or equal to the sum of 45 total days membership by either Student ID (SSN) or Texas Unique ID (TXUID). *Note this is reporting only across LEAs within the region, not across region boundaries.
Usage: Verify LEA’s enrollment and withdrawal dates on students are accurate. Often, calendars could be causing the issue, but if a student has multiple reporting periods with a sum >= 45 total days membership, it is more than likely an entry/withdrawal issue between LEAs.
Data Source(s): Summer PEIMS records
- InterchangeStudentExtension
- 40100 – Student Extension
- InterchangeStudentAttendance
- 42400 – Basic Reporting Period Attendance Extension
- Student list pulls all students who are reported during the same reporting period (E0934) in more than one LEA with a sum of total days membership >= 45 (E0936 + E0937 + E1678 + E1679 + E0036)
- Total Students at bottom of report (unique ID count)
- Student ID or TxUID filter
- default report is on Student ID (SID)
- Single select Year