As of 3/3/2023 4pm, OnDataSuite has applied the Rebalanced Census Block Group Mapping to Tier for 2023 as posted by TEA in the 3/3/2023 Public School Funding Update(copy below). Processes to update all ODS clients’ Fall 2023 PEIMS files to reflect the rebalanced Tier assignments as used for the HB3 Compensatory Education and Summary of Finance Summary reports has been completed in ODS as of Monday morning, March 6.

NOTE: As of 3/1/2023 pm, TEA has removed the Census Block Tier Mapping for 2023 file referenced below from the State Funding list of resources on We anticipate a new file as a result of the SOF posting and our inquiry as explained below. Once we receive a response from TEA we will update this information.
As of TEA’s 2/27/23 email State Compensatory Education (SCE) Tier Counts in the 2022–2023 Preliminary SOF Reports and discrepancies identified with OnDataSuite (ODS) HB3 Compensatory Education 2023 Reporting, ODS submitted an inquiry on 2/27/23 to TEA School Finance regarding the SCE Tier Counts by Campus on SOF Run ID 39894 .
Based upon the TEA email regarding the release of the preliminary SCE Tier reporting, we assumed the posted SOF run is based upon the Fall 22-23 PEIMS submission and mapping to the TEA published Census Block Tier Mapping for 2023 We have confirmed we have been using this mapping in ODS reporting. The total students funded is matching by campus between TEA and ODS, however the assigned tiers are significantly different.
We have manually traced students by tier in the ODS HB3 Compensatory Education report to the TEA published Census Block Tier Mapping file noted above and the ODS report is matching the Tier mapping spreadsheet published.
We have asked TEA if there is another source being used for the 2023 Census Block Tier Mapping on the Preliminary SOF SCE posting. As soon as we have more details from TEA we will publish an update if required in ODS.