Texas Student Assessment Program CAF – Accepted Data File Layout
This file is typically a text file (.TXT)
Posted 08/23/24
The OnDataSuite file center will not be accepting the 2023-24 CAF file. It has also been determined that we will no longer support the upload of this file from this point forward.
Note: Our last accepted CAF File parser was created using the posted TEA data file format as of 08/28/23 for the 2022 CAF file.
Districts are encouraged to confirm that the file they are uploading is the FINAL POSTED CAF file provided from the vendor and that it adheres to the EXACT data file format specifications agreed upon and posted in the Texas Education Agency Data File Formats posted website (link below)
Link to Posted TEA Data File Format Page
CAF files loaded for years PRIOR to 2022 will not be accepted or available for report center queries.
This file currently does not relate its data to any reports in our system. OnDataSuite instead relies on annual, individual state released assessment files at this time.
Where to load files
Files can be loaded from under the Cambium/ETS/Pearson File Center Location

Where to query CAF File
Once a file has been loaded, districts will see the CAF listed under the Other Reports column under the Assessment tab