- Shared Reports
- Displays bookmarked reports that have been shared with you.
- Action items (menu or right click on appropriate folder):
- Open – Open the report with the same parameters/filters with which it was saved, but with updated information from the most current data load. Report can also be opened by clicking on the report title hyperlink.
Save – Allows you to save the shared report to your My Bookmarks in the appropriate folder (My Reports or other folders you have built). Once in My Bookmarks, the report is no longer a shared link and you are the owner of the report.
- Note: You can also drag and drop the report to the My Bookmarks area which will open up the My Reports and any other folders you have built.
- Delete – Delete the report.
- Bookmark Info – Displays detailed bookmark information including Owner’s name.
- Right click on report rows- Open in new tab is one other feature that can be utilized when running reports. This allows the user to process the report in a separate web browser tab.