Report Location: Student– Student Custom Reports > FTE Reports > Career and Technical Education Advanced Courses FTE Report Pre 2022
This funding was sunset in 21-22 with HB1525 CTE modifications. The report is now capped at the year 2020-2021.
Summary: Report produces Career and Technical Education Advanced Course FTEs eligible for a flat amount of $50.00 per FTE by each six weeks with a refined total and CTE funding calculation.
Usage: Data quality/funding – review report for CTE funding based on students in advanced CTE courses.
Special Notes: As TEA provides updates for the 19-20 HB3 funding changes, the reports will be updated.
- 2019-2020 COVID-19 FTE Adjustments per TEA Guidance: General Funding Question 1. – Steps 1 – Steps 2 applied on this report. Step 3 is outside the scope of this report at this time. (see Calculations below for details)
- 2020-2021 COVID-19 Remote Attendance Adjustments
- Totals include RS and RA remote attendance per the respective section calculation.
- The Row will be labeled with (Covid-19 Remote) in the 2021 Year column.
Data Sources: Summer PEIMS records
- Interchange Student Attendance Extension
- 42400 Basic Reporting Period Attendance Extension Complex Type
- 42401 Special Programs Reporting Period Attendance Extension Complex Type
- Interchange Student Transcript Extension
- 43415 CourseTranscript Extension Complex Type
- 2019-2020 Covid-19 Adjusted Refined Total = Refined Total * Historical Ratio
- 2019-2020 CTE Funding(Refined Total x $50) = Covid-19 Adjusted Refined Total * 50
- Students who are enrolled in two or more advanced CTE courses are included (Service ID E0724) when the sum of the course credits/units is equal to or greater than 3. (red text indicates the update to the report released 6/18/20)
- CTE advanced courses eligible and corresponding course credits can be found in the CTE Advanced Courses List section at TEA – Career and Technology Education Allotment.
- 2019-2020 COVID-19 ADA:
- REQUIRED: 2018-2019 Summer PEIMS files and 2019-2020 Summer PEIMS files uploaded into OnDataSuite for this calculation to accurately compute.
- 2018-2019 Historical Ratio =2018-2019 Refined ADA (1-6 six weeks) divided by 2018-2019 Refined ADA (1-4 six weeks).
- This ratio will display at the end of every 2019-2020 row.
- It will be used in the Covid-19 Adjusted Refined Total calculation for all sections of the report.
- 2019-2020 rows will be shaded red to highlight the differences between years.
- 2019-2020 5th and 6th six weeks data will display “Covid-19” indicating it will be ignored in the 19-20 calculations.
- 2019-2020 Refined Total = 1st – 4th six weeks FTE ((Sum of 1st – 4th six weeks)/4)). This total is the 19-20 FTE total without the Historical Ratio applied.
- 2019-2020 Covid-19 Adjusted Refined Total = 2019-2020 Refined Total multiplied by the Historical Ratio. *Note – predictive final FTE for settle-up funding.
- 2018-2019 Historical Ratio =2018-2019 Refined ADA (1-6 six weeks) divided by 2018-2019 Refined ADA (1-4 six weeks).
- REQUIRED: 2018-2019 Summer PEIMS files and 2019-2020 Summer PEIMS files uploaded into OnDataSuite for this calculation to accurately compute.
- Report produces CTE FTEs eligible for a flat amount of $50.00 per FTE by each six weeks with a refined total and CTE funding calculation.
- Students who are enrolled in two or more advanced CTE courses are included (Service ID E0724) when the sum of the course credits/units is equal to or greater than 3. (red text indicates the update to the report released 6/18/20)
- CTE advanced courses eligible and corresponding course credits can be found in the CTE Advanced Courses List section at TEA – Career and Technology Education Allotment.
- Students who are enrolled in two or more advanced CTE courses are included (Service ID E0724) when the sum of the course credits/units is equal to or greater than 3. (red text indicates the update to the report released 6/18/20)
- FTE by six weeks:
- Campus-Level – Career and Technical Education FTE is calculated by:
- Career & Technical Education FTE = Total Track Contact Hours / (DAYS_TAUGHT * 6)
- Contact Hours = (DAYS_ELIG * WEIGHT)
- Multiply the sum of Career and Technical Education eligible days present (V1, V2, etc.) for each grade by the corresponding weight factor to calculate contact hours.
- Sum the contact hours for all Career and Technical Education codes within the track.
- Divide the total contact hours for each track by 6 times the number of days taught to yield the Career and Technical Education FTE for the track.
- Contact Hours = (DAYS_ELIG * WEIGHT)
- Career & Technical Education FTE = Total Track Contact Hours / (DAYS_TAUGHT * 6)
- District-Level – Career and Technical Education FTE is calculated by adding the campus-level Career and Technical Education FTE for each grade for all tracks within each reporting period.
- 2020-2021 RA/RS incluced in Contact Hours: (Total eligible days present + RS Total eligible days present + RA Total eligible days present )
- Campus-Level – Career and Technical Education FTE is calculated by:
- Refined FTE Total – Sum of all six-week periods, divided by six, and rounded to 3 decimals.
- (Total Eligible Days First Six Weeks / Number Days Taught First Six Weeks) +
- (Total Eligible Days Second Six Weeks / Number Days Taught Second Six Weeks) +
- (Total Eligible Days Third Six Weeks / Number Days Taught Third Six Weeks) +
- (Total Eligible Days Fourth Six Weeks / Number Days Taught Fourth Six Weeks) +
- (Total Eligible Days Fifth Six Weeks / Number Days Taught Fifth Six Weeks) +
- (Total Eligible Days Sixth Six Weeks / Number Days Taught Sixth Six Weeks) = Total Result
- Total Result / 6 = Refined FTE Total
- Adv CTE Allotment – Refined Total x 50.00 (dollars)
- Filter on:
- Multi-select Years (Default Current Year)
- District/Campus Summary (Default District Summary)
- Multi-select Campuses
- Check District/Campus Summary in conjunction with campus(es) to display a campus summary of the campuses selected and each individual campus on a separate row
- All Grades Summary (Default All Grades Summary)
- Multi-Select Grades
- Check All Grades Summary in conjunction with grade level(s) to display a grade level summary of the grades selected and each individual grade level on a separate row
- Multi-select Instructional Tracks (Default All Tracks)
- Drill down on FTE figures to review detailed student list view including the advanced service id(s) the student is taking (20-21 RA/RS included in drilldown)
- Heatmap – select on and click submit to apply. Minimum and Maximum counts may be reset as needed.
Resources for qualifications and calculations:
- TEA Career and Technology Education Allotment