In order to accommodate the IBC Phase-in, the CCMR EWS report has several columns for IBC data depending on the Class Graduation Year.
Starting with 2023-2024 Year Filter:
Data Source and Definitions:
- PEIMS Fall and Summer
- E1640 (C214) – Post Secondary Certification Licensure = IBC
- E1733 (C232) – Post Secondary Certification Licensure = IBC Result
- PEIMS Summer and Extended Year
- E0724 (C022) – Service ID
- E0948 (C135) – Course Sequence Code
- E0949 (C136) – Pass/Fail Credit Indicator Code
- TEA Documentation
- Crosswalk of IBCs to Aligned Programs of Study Excel file = Crosswalk IBCs to POS
- CTE look up tables Excel file
- POS Service ID Level Credit tab
IBC PEIMS 2023 – Displaying up to 2023-2024 year filter
- Student must have either at least one IBC prior to 2022-2023 or at least one IBC in 2022-2023 with an IBC Result = 01
IBC PEIMS 2024 – Displaying up to 2023-2024 year filter
- Student must have either at least one IBC prior to 2022-2023 or at least one IBC in 2022-2023 with an IBC Result = 01-Earned
- The IBCs are checked in the Crosswalk of IBCs to POS document in the IBC Code column to get all possible aligned programs of study found in the Program of Study Code column
- The aligned programs of study are then found in the CTE look up tables document in the Program of Study ID column and matched to the Service IDs and corresponding Program of Study Levels
- At least one of these Service IDs must exist and have a Program of Study Level > 1 AND Course Sequence Codes 0, 2, 5, 9, D0, D2, D5, or D9 AND Pass/Fail Credit Indicator Codes 01 or 08 in the student’s course completion transcript record (any year)
- Two caveats to this logic:
- These four Service IDs will count as Program of Study Level 2 regardless of the Program of Study code up through 2023-2024:
13009900-Professional Communications
13011400-Business Information Management I
03580810-Web Communications
13004210-Principles of Architecture - The following service IDs will be excluded for the IBC PEIMS 2024 calculation for students in the class of 2024, accountability year 2025 [Earn IBC (2019–2022 & 2022–2025 lists with sunsetting limit) plus 1 course in aligned program of study ^1] (1) One course that is level two or higher (excludes Career Prep I, Extended Career Prep I, Project Based Research, and/or Scientific Research and Design)
- 12701300 Career Preparation I
- 12701305 Career Preparation I/Extended Career Preparation
- 12701500 Project-Based Research (First Time Taken)
- 12701510 Project-Based Research (Second Time Taken)
- 12701520 Project-Based Research (Third Time Taken)
- 13037200 Scientific Research and Design
- These four Service IDs will count as Program of Study Level 2 regardless of the Program of Study code up through 2023-2024:
- Two caveats to this logic:
PEIMS IBC – Student Earned IBC 470

Crosswalk of IBCs to POS document for IBC Code 470

CTE look up tables document (POS Service ID Level Credit tab) for all Program of Study ID codes aligned to IBC 470 (032, 033, 059, 043) with Service ID and Program of Study Level

Student’s Course Completion CTE Service IDs in aligned Program of Study codes with Program of Study Level > 1 AND Course Sequence Codes 0, 2, 5, 9, D0, D2, D5, or D9 AND Pass/Fail Credit Indicator Codes 01 or 08

- Student must have either at least one IBC prior to 2022-2023 or at least one IBC in 2022-2023 with an IBC Result = 01-Earned
- The IBCs are checked in the Crosswalk of IBCs to POS document in the IBC Code column to get all possible aligned programs of study found in the Program of Study Code column
- These aligned programs of study are then compared to the student’s auto-calculated Program of Study codes and must have an auto-calculated CTE Code = 6 (Concentrator) or 7 (Completer)
- Note: See Auto Calculation of CTE and Program of Study Codes for further explanation on how CTE Codes are calculated
PEIMS IBC – Student Earned IBC 470

Crosswalk of IBCs to POS document for IBC Code 470

Student’s Auto Calculated CTE Code and Program of Study

- Student must have either at least one IBC prior to 2022-2023 or at least one IBC in 2022-2023 with an IBC Result = 01-Earned
- The IBCs are checked in the Crosswalk of IBCs to POS document in the IBC Code column to get all possible aligned programs of study found in the Program of Study Code column
- These aligned programs of study are then compared to the student’s auto calculated Program of Study codes and must have an auto calculated CTE Code = 7
- Note: See Auto Calculation of CTE and Program of Study Codes for further explanation on how CTE Codes are calculated
PEIMS IBC – Student Earned IBC 470

Crosswalk of IBCs to POS document for IBC Code 470
Student’s Auto Calculated CTE Code and Program of Study

To view comprehensive CTE data at the student level, see the Student Profile>Summer PEIMS>CTE screen
- CCMR Met will now apply the IBC PEIMS 2025-2026 columns according to the student’s grade level:
12th – IBC 2025 = Y
9th – 11th – IBC 2026 = Y - IBC Only indicates those students who are being evaluated based solely on IBCs for the CCMR Met