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Chronic Absenteeism Rate

Report Location: Accountability>State: Accountability Report Center>A-F Rating System 2023>Domain: Companion Reports 

Summary:This report calculates the number of students had a non-mobile rate of 83% or greater, as well as the number of those students who had an absentee rate of 10% or greater.

This report may or may not match reports produced by TEA.  Most often we cannot re-produce how TEA performs their calculations. Additionally TEA frequently modifies the data subset used to pull the information.

Usage: Review prior year and current year absenteeism rates for Domain IV.

Data Sources:

  • Summer PEIMS
    • Interchange Student Attendance

Student At or Above 83% Membership Rate: Sum of days in membership divided by sum of number days taught, determine by student those who are at or above 83%. 
Student At or Above 10% Absent Rate: Of those at 83% or above, what percentage were absent at least 10% of the days they were eligible to attend. Sum of days absent divided by sum of days in membership
Chronic Absenteeism Rate: Student At or Above 83% Membership Rate divided by Student At or Above 10% Absent Rate for the LEA and each campus

Days in membership are a TEA-calculated sum of the number of days present (eligible and ineligible) and the number of days absent during a particular reporting period.

Days present is a TEA-calculated sum of the number of ineligible days present and the number of eligible days present during a particular reporting period. 

Days taught – E0935
Days absent – E0036
Days eligible – E0937, E1678, E1679
Days ineligible – E0936

Updated on 12/31/2024

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