Basic Report Logic = The report list all students in a respective TEA preliminary cohort file, then places students in their respective categories (columns) category based on student status as reported in PEIMS files. District should have the most recent five years of Fall and Summer PEIMS Files along with TEA>Cohort Preliminary files.
1) Student Groups – Student status is based on what is reported in most recent PEIMS file. For example a student whose ethnicity has changed from year to year will be placed in the row based on how they were reported in their most recent PEIMS submission.
2) Graduates Number = Total from TEA Cohort fie reported with PEIMS 203 record as a graduate.
3) Graduates Rate = Total in Class / Graduates Number
4) Continuers – Currently Enrolled = Student who have reached their graduate year but are reported as enrolled on a PEIMS 110 record. (Rather than a PEIMS 203 leaver record)
5) Continuers – Enrolled Possible Transfer/Dropout = Total of students submitted in Fall PEIMS with an as of status of “C, G or E” and students reported in Summer PEIMS with as of status of “I”
6) GED Recipients = Students Listed in Cohort file as earning a GED.
7) Completion I Number = Graduates + Continuers.
8) Completion I Rate = Completion I Number / Total in Class
9) Completion II Number = Graduates + Continuers + GED
10) Completion II Rate = Completion Rate II / Total in Class
11) Dropouts (4-yr) Number = Students submitted in Fall PEIMS with a 203 as a dropout.
12) Dropouts (4-yr) Rate = Dropouts (4yr) Number / Total in Class.
13) Total In Class = Total students in TEA Cohort file.
14) Possible Transfer = Students previously enrolled but final status never reported. No re-enrollment record or leaver record. Some students who left return and leave again may be counted here.
15) Other Leavers = All other leavers that are not dropouts.
A four-year longitudinal graduation rate is the percentage of students from a class of beginning ninth graders who graduate by their anticipated graduation date, or within four years of beginning ninth grade.
A four-year longitudinal completion rate is the percentage of students from the same class who complete their high school education by their anticipated graduation date. Completion may be defined as graduating, continuing in high school in the fall after graduation was expected, or receiving a General Educational Development (GED) certificate.
The completion I rate consists of students who have graduated or continued in high school. The completion II rate consists of students who have graduated, continued in high school, or received GED certificates.
Students who enter the Texas public school system over the years are added to the class, and students who leave the system for reasons other than graduating, receiving a GED certificate, or dropping out, or who could not be tracked from year to year, are subtracted.
A four-year longitudinal dropout rate is the percentage of students from the same class who drop out before completing their high school education.
Dropouts are counted according to the definitions in place the years they drop out.
The definition changed in 2005-06. Longitudinal rates for the classes of 2009 and 2010 are comparable to one another. Rates for classes in which the national dropout definition was phased in (i.e., classes of 2006, 2007, and 2008) are not comparable from one class to another, nor are they comparable to rates for prior or later classes.
As an example, the four-year longitudinal rate for graduates is calculated by dividing the number of students who graduated by the number of students in
The class:
Longitudinal Graduation Rate = Graduates
Graduates + Continuers + Ged Recipients + Dropouts