We have completed the transition of adjusting OnDataSuite sections and reports that previously had CTE counts based on the CTE indicator to now use the CTE Attendance record – 42410.
Starting with the 2021-2022 school year, if a student has at least one 42410 record, we are counting the student as CTE in the following areas:
- Summer Dashboard>Cumulative Information
- Student>Student Custom Reports>Discipline Reports>Special Programs>Discipline Action Reason Student Counts and Days by Gender/Ethn/Spec Pops
- Student>Student Custom Reports>Discipline Reports>Special Programs>Discipline Action Student Counts and Days by Gender/Ethn/Spec Pops
- Student>Student Custom Reports>PEIMS Summary and Review Reports>Summer PEIMS Checklist
- Student>Student Custom Reports>Special Programs>Ethnicity & Special Program Trends
- Summer filter
- Student Profile Dashboard>Student Overview
Additionally, since CTE is no longer reported in the fall PEIMS submission, we have removed CTE from the following reports:
- Student>Student Custom Reports>PEIMS Summary and Review Reports>Fall PEIMS Checklist
- Student>Student Custom Reports>PEIMS Summary and Review Reports>Snapshot Enrollment Detail