Summary: This report displays Early Education refined average daily attendance and percent in attendance for each six weeks and total by the different types of funding established by House Bill 3 beginning with the 2019-2020 school year.
Usage: Use this report to verify Early Education attendance for current year, review PIA for the different programs, and to eventually compare six weeks and total ADA and PIA with prior years.
Special Notes:
- 2019-2020 COVID-19 ADA Adjustments per TEA Guidance: General Funding Question 1. – Steps 1 – Steps 2 applied on this report. Step 3 is outside the scope of this report at this time. (see Calculations below for details)
- 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 COVID-19 Remote Attendance Adjustments
- Totals include RS and RA remote attendance per the calculation.
- The Row will be labeled with (Covid-19 Remote) in the 2021 Year column.
Data Source(s): PEIMS Summer records
- Interchange Student Extension
- 40100 – Student Extension Complex Type
- Interchange Student Attendance Extension
- 42400 – Basic Reporting Period Attendance Extension Complex Type (for PIA calculation)
- Early Education Refined ADA District Summary. HB3 funding for grades K-3 only. Students may be duplicate counted in both rows.
- K-3 Educationally Disadvantaged students: Students classified as Economic Disadvantaged (E0785) =01, 02 or 99 and in grade K – 3.
- Basic Attendance ADA calculation for selected students.
- K-3 Limited English Proficient Language Learner students: Students classified as LEP (E0790) = 1 and Bilingual/ESL Funding Code (E1651) = BE, D1 or D2 and in grade K-3.
- Basic Attendance ADA calculation for selected students.
- K-3 Educationally Disadvantaged students: Students classified as Economic Disadvantaged (E0785) =01, 02 or 99 and in grade K – 3.
- 2019-2020 COVID-19 ADA:
- REQUIRED: 2018-2019 Summer PEIMS files and 2019-2020 Summer PEIMS files uploaded into OnDataSuite for this calculation to accurately compute.
- 2018-2019 Historical Ratio =2018-2019 Refined ADA (1-6 six weeks) divided by 2018-2019 Refined ADA (1-4 six weeks).
- This ratio will display at the end of every 2019-2020 row.
- It will be used in the Covid-19 Adjusted Refined Total calculation for all ADA sections of the report.
- 2019-2020 rows will be shaded red to highlight the differences between years.
- 2019-2020 5th and 6th six weeks data will display “Covid-19” indicating it will be ignored in the 19-20 calculations.
- 2019-2020 Covid-19 Adjusted Refined Total = 1st – 4th six weeks Refined ADA ((Sum of 1st – 4th six weeks)/4)) multiplied by the 2018-2019 Historical Ratio
- 2019-2020 Refined Total PIA = 1st – 4th six weeks PIA
- 2018-2019 Historical Ratio =2018-2019 Refined ADA (1-6 six weeks) divided by 2018-2019 Refined ADA (1-4 six weeks).
- REQUIRED: 2018-2019 Summer PEIMS files and 2019-2020 Summer PEIMS files uploaded into OnDataSuite for this calculation to accurately compute.
- Refined ADA by six weeks – Sum of all students’ total eligible days present (E0937) from 42400 Basic Reporting Attendance in a six-week period / number days taught (E0935) in the six week period
- 2020-2021 & 2021-2022 RA/RS included: (Total eligible days present (E0937) + RS Total eligible days present (E1678) + RA Total eligible days present (E1679 ) / number days taught (E0935)
- Refined ADA Total – Sum of all six-week periods, divided by six, and rounded to 3 decimals.
- (Total Eligible Days Present First Six Weeks / Number Days Taught First Six Weeks) +
- (Total Eligible Days Present Second Six Weeks / Number Days Taught Second Six Weeks) +
- (Total Eligible Days Present Third Six Weeks / Number Days Taught Third Six Weeks) +
- (Total Eligible Days Present Fourth Six Weeks / Number Days Taught Fourth Six Weeks) +
- (Total Eligible Days Present Fifth Six Weeks / Number Days Taught Fifth Six Weeks) +
- (Total Eligible Days Present Sixth Six Weeks / Number Days Taught Sixth Six Weeks) = Total Result
- Total Result / 6 = Refined ADA Total
- PIA (Percent in Attendance) by six weeks and total = ((Total Eligible Days Present + Total Ineligible Days Present) / (Total Eligible Days Present + Total Ineligible Days Present + Total Days Absent )) * 100
- 2020-2021 & 2021-2022 RA/RS included: ((Total eligible days present + RS Total eligible days present + RA Total eligible days present) / (Total eligible days present + RS Total eligible days present + RA Total eligible days present + Total Ineligible Days Present + Total Days Absent)) * 100
- Filter on:
- Multi-select Years (Default most recent PEIMS summer file loaded)
- Note: K-3 ECO Dis and K-3 LEP Language Learner breakdown started 2019-2020
- District/Campus Summary (Default District Summary)
- Multi-select Campuses
- Check District/Campus Summary in conjunction with campus(es) to display a campus summary of the campuses selected and each individual campus on a separate row
- All Grades Summary (Default All Grades Summary)
- Multi-Select Grades
- Check All Grades Summary in conjunction with grade level(s) to display a grade level summary of the grades selected and each individual grade level on a separate row
- Multi-select Instructional Tracks (Default All Tracks)
- Multi-select Years (Default most recent PEIMS summer file loaded)
- Focus List to pull a group of students
- Use ‘Heatmap On’ and choose ADA or PIA with a minimum and maximum limit to highlight specific areas of concern
- Drill down on ADA counts to see detailed student lists (20-21 & 21-22 RA/RS included in drilldowns)
Resources for Calculations: TEA HB3 Resource page: