Ed-Fi – File Center (Parallel)

After the first full pull and subsequent nightly pulls following your TEA Ed-Fi IODS connection, navigate to the File Center to see submission/collections promoted.

Note the black footer line has the latest TEA Ed-Fi IODS load’s date/time stamp on every screen.

At this time, we do not have a scheduled time for nightly pulls. Eventually, we will set up a scheduler so the LEA can control when an API load occurs. We will evaluate and continue to modify the time if necessary.

Note for ESCs: ESCs will continue to load CSV files for LEAs. There will be no API pulls on Regional level sites.

How to recognize API files

  • File Name – Starts with “API”
  • Status – Parallel
  • Uploaded By – Ed-Fi

Click the Info link to see the TSDS Domain Summary which lists Domains, Entities in those domains, total Count of records, and Exception Errors if there are any.

Pink File

  • Please submit a ticket if you have a pink file.

Updated on 07/26/2024

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