Report Location: Student > Student Custom Reports > PEIMS Summary and Review Reports
Summary: The Fall Leaver Data Review Summary displays student Leaver counts and percentages as of the October snapshot date from the fall PEIMS submission. A difference column compares year to year increases/decreases.
Usage: Review Leaver by counts and percentages for multi year comparisons at the district level or by campus. This is very similar to the Fall dashboard student, but can be exported to Excel.
Data Sources: Fall PEIMS
- 40100 Student Basic Information Sub-Category
StudentExtension Complex Type - 40203 School Leaver Sub-Category
SchoolLeaverExtension Complex Type
- Leavers are displayed in the year they occurred not the year they are reported to PEIMS.
- Graduates = E1001 (C162) – Leaver Reason Code 01
- Federal Dropouts = E1001 (C162) – Leaver Reason Code 08, 20, 88, 89 or 98
- State Dropouts = E1001 (C162) – Leaver Reason Code 08 or 98
- Percentages
- All Percentages are rounded to the nearest tenth
- All Prior Year Total Grade xx Attendance reflects student count only. There is no applicable % calculation.
- Graduate Leavers – 01
- Ethnicity = Total graduates in ethnicity / Total Graduates Reported
- Total Graduates Reported = Total Graduates Reported / Prior Year Total Grade 12 Attendance
- Dropout Leavers
- Individual dropout leaver reason codes = Total in dropout leaver reason / Prior Year Total Grade 7-12 Attendance
- Total Federal/State Dropouts Reported = Total Federal/State Dropouts Reported / Prior Year Total Grade 7-12 Attendance
- All Other Leavers
- Individual leaver reason codes = Total in leaver reason / Total Other Leavers
- Total Other Leavers = Total Other Leavers / Total Leavers
- Total Leavers = Total Leavers / Prior Year Total Grade 7-12 Attendance
- State Dropouts by Grade
- By grade (leaver 08 and 98) = By grade / Total state Dropouts
- Total state dropouts = total / Prior Year Total Grade 7-12 Attendance
- Graduation Type – E0806 (C062)
- Graduation Type = Graduation Type / Total Graduates
- Total = Total / Total Graduates
- Graduate DLA/Endorsements Earned
- Individual DLA/Endorsements on Graduates only (leaver 01) = Individual DLA/Endorsements / Total Graduates
- Distinguished Level Achievement – E1542 (C199)
- STEM – E1544 (C199)
- Business & Industry – E1545 (C199)
- Public Services – E1546 (C199)
- Arts & Humanities – E1547 (C199)
- Multi-Disciplinary Studies – E1548 (C199)
- Individual DLA/Endorsements on Graduates only (leaver 01) = Individual DLA/Endorsements / Total Graduates
- Miscellaneous
- Associate Degree Indicator Code – E1596 (C088) = Associate Degree Indicator Code / Total Leavers with Grade Levels 11 and 12
- Military Enlistment Indicator Code – E1589 (C088) = Military Enlistment Indicator Code / Total Graduates
- IGC Graduate (Submission 1 Only) – E1562 (C201) = IGC Graduate / Total Graduates
- Difference (column Diff)
- By Indicator: Diff = Year Count – Prior Year Count
- Two years minimum for a Diff to be displayed
- A decrease is noted in red
- An increase is noted in black
- Filter on:
- Multi-select Year (defaults to most current year)
- Multi-select Campus (default to All)
- Focus list to run counts and percentages on groups of students
- Drill down on counts to see a detailed list of students
- Tools drop-down:
- Hide Zero Value Rows to hide null or zero value rows for years selected
- Show Zero Value Rows to show null or zero value rows for years selected (default)
- Turn on Heatmap to see hotspots/data swings at the district or campus level.