Summary: The Fall Staff Role ID Review displays staff role ids (Professional and Auxiliary) counts as of the October snapshot date from the fall PEIMS submission. A difference column compares year to year increases/decreases. when 2 or more years are selected.
Usage: Review Staff Role ID by counts for multi year comparisons at the district level or by campus for data integrity reviews prior to PEIMS submission.
Data Sources: Fall PEIMS
- 30040 Staff Basic Information Sub-Category
StaffExtension Complex Type - 30050 Employment Payroll Summary Sub-Category
StaffEducationOrgEmploymentAssociationExtension Complex Type - 30090 Responsibility Sub-Category
StaffResponbilitiesExtension Complex Type
- Staff Responsibilties (Professional) are reported on the 090 record (StaffResponbilitiesExtension)
- Staff Responbilities (Auxiliary) are reported on the 050 record (StaffEducationOrgEmploymentAssociationExtenstion)
- Counts
- All counts are number of staff reporting the respective Role ID(PEIMS element E0721) on either the StaffResponbilitiesExtension OR the StaffEducationOrgEmploymentAssociationExtenstion
- Difference (column Diff)
- By Indicator: Diff = Year Count – Prior Year Count
- Two years minimum for a Diff to be displayed
- A decrease is noted in red
- An increase is noted in black
- Filter on:
- Multi-select Year (defaults to most current year)
- Multi-select Campus (default to All)
- NOTE: Auxiliary Roles IDs are not reported by Campus.
- Focus list to run counts and percentages on groups of staff
- Drill down on counts to see a detailed list of staff
- Tools drop-down:
- Hide Zero Value Rows to hide null or zero value rows for years selected (zero rows are highlighted in red)
- Show Zero Value Rows to show null or zero value rows for years selected (default)
- Turn on Heatmap to see hotspots/data swings at the district or campus level.