The Finance Reporting Period Override functionality is available for School Business Official users of OnDataSuite (ODS) with Finance access.
What is it? The functionality gives Finance users the ability to reset the current year Summer PEIMS file Reporting Period through which specific reports for Summary of Finance reporting are calculated without altering the actual Summer PEIMS upload in ODS and any Student related reporting.
Why? ODS accepts preliminary Summer PEIMS files throughout the school year and often the data in the file reflects a partial six weeks reporting period. Finance Business Officials may want attendance related reporting projections through completed six weeks periods only. This functionality allows them to set and reset the reporting period for specific reports in Finance only.
Where to access it? The minimum ODS Finance user permissions required to access the functionality are:
- Finance Administrator
- Finance Reports
- Student Aggregate Totals
The functionality is accessible from any one of the following locations once the required permissions are assigned to the Finance user:
- Administrator access (located under the upper right hamburger menu)

- Under the Tools menu (upper right) of the following four Finance Custom Reports – Summary of Finance (SOF) Reports:

- Student Funding Detail Reports
- Gifted/Talented (GT) Funding (HB1525)
- HB3 Student ADA – Refined, HS, SPED Mainstrm, Bil, Early Ed, PEG, Res Facility
- HB3 Student FTE – Spec Ed, CTE, PRS Post 2021
- Summary of Finance Summary
- Summary of Finance – Student Data Summary
How does it work? The Finance Reporting Period Override will display the year, latest PEIMS file loaded status, and the Override setting and provides the option to Clear or Save Override settings.

To reset the reporting period, select the Reporting Period Override 1-6 and Save. A message will display while the system resets the appropriate finance reporting.

- Once the Override is set it applies to all the applicable Finance reports and does not have to be set from within each report.
- The Override remains setin the system as new Summer PEIMS files are loaded and does not need to be set again until the end of the next reporting period.
To reset the Override to use the default reporting periods as reflected in the Summer PEIMS file loaded use either of the steps below:
- Set the Reporting Period Override to “No filter” and click Save
- OR Click the Clear button

This functionality affects the Refined Totals calculation on the 4 Finance reports identified above.
If the Override has been set, the report titles will have “AS of 2023, Reporting Period X” added.

If the “As of…” is not in the title , the report is reflecting the data as of the Summer PEIMS file load.