Report Location: Finance > Finance Custom Reports > Financial Well Being Reports > M & O Tax Rate and Ending Fund Balance in the General Fund By Fiscal Year
Summary: Displays M&O tax rate (Maintenance & Operations) across years as compared to ending general fund balance.
Usage: Review for accuracy. Compare tax rate relative to ending fund balance.
Data Sources: Mid-Year PEIMS submission and Texas State Comptroller.
Ending Fund Balance-PEIMS 20032 ActualExtension
Fund Code(E0316) Total for General Fund Codes 101, 102, 199, or 420 (Code Table C145).
Object Codes(E0318) Total for codes 3400 through 3699 (Code Table C159).
Resources for definitions and calculations:
The Tax Rates are released annually and published on the Texas Comptrollers website. *Note – The Comptroller releases the data each January as of the prior calendar year. For reporting purposes, this data is attributed to the current school year.
Ex: 2023 Tax Rates will be reported for the 2023-2024 School Fiscal Year.
Please note- Actual expenditures (Audit values) for a school year are submitted to TEA the following school year. Example; all revenue and expenditures for the 23-24 school year are reported to TEA in January 2025, during the 24-25 school year. Therefore, updated data for Fund Balance can only be generated by the district during the following year.
Mid-Year PEIMS files in OnDataSuite are associated with the year the data is reported (actual 2023-2024 data) as opposed to the year PEIMS collects (2024-2025). All reports reflect the use of the Mid-Year PEIMS data accurately upon the TEA PEIMS collections schedule.