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Financial Well Being – General Fund Revenues and Expenditures Compared to Enrollment

Report Location: Finance > Finance Custom Reports > Financial Well Being Reports > General Fund Revenues and Expenditures Compared to Enrollment

Summary: Displays key financial totals with staff and student data.

Usage: Longitudinal review for accuracy and program objectives.

Data Source(s):

Fall PEIMS : Interchange StudentBasicInformation (40100)

Fall PEIMS: Interchange StaffEducationOrgEmploymentAssociationExtension (30050) AND Interchange StaffResponsibilitiesExtension (30090)

Mid-Year PEIMS: Interchange ActualExtension (20032)


Ending Fund Balance-PEIMS 20032 ActualExtension Fund Code(E0316) Total for General Fund Codes 101, 102, 199, or 420 and Object Codes(E0318) 3400 through 3699.

Revenues– PEIMS 20032 ActualExtension Fund Code(E0316) Total for General Fund 101, 102, 199, or 420 and Object Codes(E0318) 5000 through 5999.

Expenditures– PEIMS 20032 Actual Extension Fund Code(E0316) Total for General Fund 101, 102, 199, or 420 and Object Codes(E0318) 6000 through 6900.

Student/Staff FTE Ratio- Enrollment / All Staff FTE

Enrollment-Fall PEIMS Snapshot count. Includes all reported ADA Codes (E0787) 0 – 9. ADA Code 0 are students enrolled and not in membership.

All Staff FTE– Total FTEs for Teachers and Non Teacher Role IDs (E0721) as reported on the 30090 & 30050 (Auxiliary Role ID – E1594) records

  • If the number of days employed is equal to or greater than 187, then:
    • Employee FTE – % Day Employed / 100
  • If the number of days employed is less than 187, then:
    • Employee FTE – ((% Day Employed / 100) X (# Days Employed)) / 187

Resources for definitions and calculations:
Example: Data Used for a 20-21 school year report.
-Fall snapshot count for 20-21 from the fall PEIMS submission submitted during the 20-21 school year.
-Actual 20-21 financial data from the Mid year financial submission submitted during 21-22 school year.

-FTEs are calculated in OnDataSuite for school years 2009-2010 and beyond. The current FTE Calculation will only process Staff Responsibilities which contain Monthly Minutes. Prior to 2009-2010, Staff Responsibilities were not reported with Monthly Minutes.

– Actual expenditures for a school year are submitted to TEA the following school year. Example; all revenue and expenditures for the 20-21 school year are reported to TEA in January 2022, during the 21-22 school year. Therefore, updated data for this report can only be generated by the district during the following year.

Mid-Year PEIMS files in OnDataSuite are associated with the year the data is reported as opposed to the year PEIMS collects . All reports reflect the use of the Mid-Year PEIMS data accurately upon the TEA PEIMS collections schedule. Years noted on these reports are the actual year the data is reported (2020-2021), not the PEIMS year collected (2021-2022

Updated on 01/17/2023

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