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Flexible Attendance Refined ADA Report

Report Location: Student – Student Custom Reports – Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Reports – Flexible Attendance Refined ADA Report

Summary: This report displays flexible regular refined average daily attendance by the appropriate program (OFSDP or HSEP) by each six weeks and total.

Usage: Use this report to verify funding projections for current year and to compare six weeks totals between campuses, grade levels, and instructional tracks. Prior years can also be pulled for longitudinal review over time.

Special Notes:

2019-2020 COVID-19 ADA Adjustments per TEA GuidanceGeneral Funding Question 1. – Steps 1 – Steps 2 applied on this report. Step 3 is outside the scope of this report at this time.

  • REQUIRED: 2018-2019 Summer PEIMS files and 2019-2020 Summer PEIMS files uploaded into OnDataSuite for this calculation to accurately compute.
  • Historical ADA Ratio =2018-2019 Refined ADA (1-6 six weeks) divided by 2018-2019 Refined ADA (1-4 six weeks).
    • Reference Step 1 in TEA’s guidance.
    • This ratio will display near the end of every 2020 row.
    • It will be used in the Covid-19 Total Flex Attend Adjusted Refined ADA calculation.
  • 2019-2020 rows will be shaded red to highlight the differences between prior years and 2019-2020.
  • 2019-2020 5th and 6th six weeks data will display Covid-19 and will be ignored for 19-20 calculations.
  • 2019-2020 Total Flex Attend Refined ADA = 1st – 4th six weeks Flex Attend Refined ADA ((Sum of 1st – 4th six weeks)/4))
  • 2019-2020 Total Covid-19 Flex Attend Adjusted Refined ADA = 1st – 4th six weeks Flex Attend Refined ADA ((Sum of 1st – 4th six weeks)/4)) multiplied by the 2018-2019 Historical Ratio.

Data Source(s): PEIMS Summer records

  • Interchange Student Attendance
    • 42500-Special Programs Reporting Period Attendance Extension Complex


  • Flex Attend Total Eligible Minutes Present by six weeks – Sum of all students’ flex attendance total eligible minutes present (E1046)
  • Flex Attend Equivalent Eligible Days Present by six weeks
    • Determined by each individual student for each reporting period:
Flexible Attendance Program Type Code2014-2015 and less2015-2016 through 2018-20192019-2020 forward
If E1045 = 1, 3 or 6 (OFSDP)than Flex Attend Total Eligible Minutes Present-E1046 / 360than Flex Attend Total Eligible Minutes Present-E1046 / 240than Flex Attend Total Eligible Minutes Present-E1046 / 240
If E1045 = 2 (HSEP)than Flex Attend Total Eligible Minutes Present-E1046 / 360than Flex Attend Total Eligible Minutes Present-E1046 / 240than Flex Attend Total Eligible Minutes Present-E1046 / 360
  • Flex Attend Adjusted Equivalent Eligible Days Present – Determined by each individual student for each reporting period
    • Per TWEDS https://tealprod.tea.state.tx.us/TWEDS/98/0/0/0/DataComponents/ComplexType/List/11310 – scroll to DR 11
      • Funding is limited to the lesser of Equivalent Eligible Days Present or NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT, which is determined during funding calculations at TEA.  If the calculated Equivalent Eligible Days Present is greater than NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT for the reporting period, an Adjusted Equivalent Eligible Days Present is calculated to be NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT.
      • The following is an illustration of how TEA will convert FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT to Average Daily Attendance for funding purposes.
      • Data Conversion Formulas/Rules:
      • OFSDP Equivalent Eligible Days Present for the six-week reporting period = FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT/240 minutes (4 hours x 60 minutes)
      • HSEP Equivalent Eligible Days Present for the six-week reporting period = FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT/360 minutes (6 hours x 60 minutes)
      • Adjusted Equivalent Eligible Days Present = the lesser of Equivalent Eligible Days Present or NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT
      • Adjusted Equivalent Eligible Days Present/NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT= Average Daily Attendance (ADA) value for six-week reporting period
  • Flex Attend Refined ADA *Note: based upon the Flex Attend Adjusted Equivalent Eligible Days Present per student
    • ***Note: This column and calculation is not reflected on the current TSDS PDM3 – 130 – 011 report. The remaining ODS calculations are based upon this per student calculation.
      • Sums all students’ Flex Attend Adjusted Equivalent Eligible Days Present together
      • Refined ADA by six weeks – Sum of all students’ Flex Attend Adjusted Equivalent Eligible Days Present in a six-week period / number days taught in the six week period
        • Starting with 2020-2021 RA/RS included: (Total eligible days present + RS Total eligible days present + RA Total eligible days present) / number days taught
  • Flex Attend Refined ADA Total – Sum of all six-week periods, divided by six, and rounded to 3 decimals.
    • (Total Flex Attend Adjusted Equivalent Eligible Days Present First Six Weeks / Number Days Taught First Six Weeks) +
    • (Total Flex Attend Adjusted Equivalent Eligible Days Present Second Six Weeks / Number Days Taught Second Six Weeks) +
    • (Total Flex Attend Adjusted Equivalent Eligible Days Present Third Six Weeks / Number Days Taught Third Six Weeks) +
    • (Total Flex Attend Adjusted Equivalent Eligible Days Present Fourth Six Weeks / Number Days Taught Fourth Six Weeks) +
    • (Total Flex Attend Adjusted Equivalent Eligible Days Present Fifth Six Weeks / Number Days Taught Fifth Six Weeks) +
    • (Total Flex Attend Adjusted Equivalent Eligible Days Present Sixth Six Weeks / Number Days Taught Sixth Six Weeks) = Total Result
    • Total Result / Number of reporting periods with values =Flex Attend Refined ADA

OFSDP Student Example 1 2019-2020

  • 7000 FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT / 240 minutes = 29.17 Flex Attend Equivalent Eligible Days Present
  • Flex Attend Adjusted Equivalent Eligible Days Present = 29.17 (the lesser of Flex Attend Equivalent Eligible Days Present or NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT)
  • Flex Attend Refined ADA = 29.17 Flex Attend Adjusted Equivalent Eligible Days Present / NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT of 30 = .9723

OFSDP Student Example 2 2019-2020

  • 9000 FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT / 240 minutes = 37.50 Flex Attend Equivalent Eligible Days Present
  • Flex Attend Adjusted Equivalent Eligible Days Present = 30.00 (the lesser of Flex Attend Equivalent Eligible Days Present or NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT)
  • Flex Attend Refined ADA = 30.00 Flex Attend Adjusted Equivalent Eligible Days Present / NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT of 30 = 1.0


  • Filter on:
    • Program Type (Default OFSDP)
      • OFSDP
      • HSEP
    • Multi-select Years (Default Current Year)
    • District/Campus Summary (Default District Summary)
      • Multi-select Campuses
      • Check District/Campus Summary in conjunction with campus(es) to display a campus summary of the campuses selected and each individual campus on a separate row
    • All Grades Summary (Default All Grades Summary)
      • Multi-Select Grades
      • Check All Grades Summary in conjunction with grade level(s) to display a grade level summary of the grades selected and each individual grade level on a separate row
    • Multi-select Instructional Tracks (Default All Tracks) *Note – Hover over the count of Instructional Tracks on the report for a list of all tracks included. All tracks are listed in the column in the Export to Excel.
  • Drill down on Flex Attend Refined ADA columns to see detailed student lists

Updated on 02/14/2025

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