Summary: This report displays several items including payroll information and FTEs by payroll function code and separates the information into professional (object 6119) and support personnel (object 6129).
Usage: Review report to ensure reasonableness of payroll information by function code. This report can also be used to review student to staff ratios.
Data Source(s): Fall PEIMS records
- InterchangeStaffAssociation
- Staff Education Org Employment Association Extension Complex Type – 30050
- Payroll Extension Complex Type – 30060
- Responsibilities Extension Complex Type – 30090
- InterchangeStudent
- Student Extension Complex Type – 40110
- Enrollment – Total student enrollment reported on Fall PEIMS Snapshot
- Pay Amount – Sum of all payroll amounts (E0425) with that payroll function code (E0317)
- FTE – Sum of all FTEs reported with that payroll function code (E0317)
- If the number of days employed (E0160) is greater than or equal to 187, the FTE is a decimal number created by taking the percent of day employed (E0760) divided by 100
- If the number of days employed (E0160) is less than 187, the FTE is a decimal number created by taking (percent of the day employed / 100) x (the number of days employed) all divided by 187
- Average Pay – Pay Amount / FTE
- Student/Staff FTE Ratio – Total Student Enrollment / Total Staff
Features: Can be run for individual campuses and for prior years
Special Notes: Only staff who have both a payroll-30060 and at least one responsibility-30090 record will be reported.