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Full Pull (Ed-Fi API) in OnDataSuite

How, When and Why to process a Full Pull in OnDataSuite.

Step 1: OnDataSuite initial Ed-Fi API connections are a Full Pull (meaning when you first enter your Key and Secret for connecting OnDataSuite to your TEA IODS an exact copy of the data is created in the OnDataSuite Ed-Fi tables). https://kb.ondatasuite.com/knowledge-base/tea-ed-fi-iods-connection-2/

Step 2: Your Nightly/Sync schedule is set by default:

Step 3: You are able to manage this to best meet the schedule of your SIS/ERP API flow schedule into the TEA IODS and NOTE: This is only reading changes from the TEA IODS Change Log. (Manual TEA IODS Deletes or Deletes by vendor request or reloads of entire entities are not logged un the Change Log referenced for nightly updates- utilize Full Pull to resync OnDataSuite with TEA IODS).

A “Latest TEA Ed-Fi iODS Pull Log” for the past 30 days is available from every screen in ODS. Reference the lower right footer yellow link to review the status of the OnDataSuite sync/pull from the TEA iODS.

This is the latest data pull/sync – NOT the latest submission Promotion in OnDataSuite – for that data, reference the File Center.

Review the File Center – TSDS Ed-Fi API list to identify submissions promoted in OnDataSuite and the last date and time promoted:

Step 4: Verify and or update your TEA Ed-Fi IODS Connection submission schedule Stop Promotion Dates on all submissions are at the Full Pull date or later for every submission you want to be updated with the latest promotion logic and TEA IODS data.

Step 5: Scroll to bottom of TEA Ed-Fi IODS Connection screen to the red “Full Pull” button.

Once you click the Full Pull button, scroll up on the same page to monitor the progress of the pull in the yellow highlighted area with the status of the pull process.

Step 6: Once the Full Pull processes complete, navigate to the File Center – TSDS Ed Fi API section to monitor the submission promotion logic processing. It is during this processing you may experience an interruption in your Dashboard and or reports as the data is being updated in OnDataSuite.

Step 7: Once the Promotion processing completes, utlize the “INFO” link on each submission to review the records seen in the TEA IODs and the records promoted into OnDataSuite by entity relevant the submission.

Step 8: Compare OnDataSuite reporting with your TSDS promoted PDM reports. If variances exist, provide the PDM report and examples from OnDataSuite report URLS you are reviewing in a Ticket for ODS to investigate.

Updated on 03/10/2025

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