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HB3 Student FTE – Spec Ed, CTE, Adv CTE, PRS Pre 2022

Report Location: Finance – Finance Custom Reports > Summary of Finance (SOF) Reports > Student Funding Detail Reports > HB3 Student FTE – Spec Ed, CTE, Adv CTE, PRS Pre 2022

Summary: This report provides Student FTE data for HB3 program funding related to Special Education, Career and Technical Education and Advanced Career Technical Incentive Allotment and Pregnancy Related Services on a single report through 2020-2021. Updates for HB1525 CTE funding effective 21-22 are available in the HB3 Student FTE – Spec Ed, CTE, Adv CTE, PRS Post 2021 report.

Usage: Use aide to help complete the Summary of Finance(SOF) template data elements related to program FTE calculations as defined by HB3.

Special Notes: As TEA provides updates for the 19-20 HB3 funding changes, the reports will be updated.

  • 2019-2020 COVID-19 FTE Adjustments per TEA Guidance: General Funding Question 1. – Steps 1 – Steps 2 applied on this report. Step 3 is outside the scope of this report at this time. (see Calculations below for details)
  • 2020-2021 COVID-19 Remote Attendance Adjustments
    • Totals include RS and RA remote attendance per the respective section calculation.

Data Source(s):


  • Interchange Student Extension
    • 40100/49010 TX-Student Characteristics Type Sub-Category

Summer PEIMS

  • Interchange Student Attendance Extension
    • 42400 Basic Reporting Period Attendance Extension Complex Type
    • 42401/42405/42410 Special Programs Reporting Period Attendance Extension Complex Type
  • Interchange Student Transcript Extension
    • 43415 Course Transcript Extension Complex Type


2019-2020 COVID-19 ADA:

REQUIRED: 2018-2019 Summer PEIMS files and 2019-2020 Summer PEIMS files uploaded for this calculation to accurately compute.

  • 2018-2019 Historical Ratio =2018-2019 Refined ADA (1-6 six weeks) divided by 2018-2019 Refined ADA (1-4 six weeks).
    • This ratio will display at the top of the HB3 Student FTE report on the 2019-2020 year ONLY.
    • It will be used in the Covid-19 Adjusted Refined Total calculation for all FTE sections of the report.
  • 2019-2020 5th and 6th six weeks data will display N/A per TEA guidance that it will be ignored for 19-20 calculations.
  • 2019-2020 Covid-19 Adjusted Refined Total = 1st – 4th six weeks FTE ((Sum of 1st – 4th six weeks)/4)) multiplied by the 2018-2019 Historical Ratio.

Special Education FTEs by instructional setting EXCEPT for Mainstream (40).

  • 2020-2021 RA/RS include:
    • Days Eligible by instructional Setting code = Total Days Eligible + RS Total Days Eligible + RA Total Days Eligible
    • Excess Hours in Instructional Setting code = Excess Hours in Instructional Setting + RS Excess Hours in Instructional Setting + RA Excess Hours in Instructional Setting
  1. Multiplying the sum of eligible days present each grade within the reporting period/instructional track (from 42405 extension) within each Special Education instructional setting by the corresponding weight factor, then subtracting the hours excess to calculate the contact hours.
    Contact Hours = (DAYS_ELIG * WEIGHT) – HRS_EXCESS
  2. Adding together the contact hours for all Special Education instructional settings.
  3. Dividing the contact hours by 6 times the number of days taught to yield the Special Education FTE.
    Special Education FTE = Total Contact Hours / (DAYS_TAUGHT * 6)
  • The Special Education FTE by Instructional Setting section has been rearranged and grouped to match the Data Entry – SOF tab on the SOF template.
  • Refined Total = total of the six weeks FTE calculations divided by the number of reporting periods submitted with data and the total used in the SOF.

Career and Technical Education FTE:

  • 2020-2021 RA/RS include:
    • Days Eligible by V code = Total Days Eligible(V1-V6) + RS Total Days Eligible (V1-V6) + RA Total Days Eligible)V1-V6)
  • Grade-Level (7-12)– Career and Technical Education FTE is calculated by:
  1. Multiplying the sum of Career and Technical Education eligible days present (V1, V2, etc.) for each grade by the corresponding weight factor to calculate contact hours. Contact Hours = (DAYS_ELIG * WEIGHT)
  2. Adding together the contact hours for all Career and Technical Education codes within the reporting period/instructional track (from 42410 extension).
  3. Dividing the total contact hours for each track by 6 times the number of days taught to yield the Career and Technical Education FTE for the track. Career & Technical Education FTE = Total Track Contact Hours / (DAYS_TAUGHT * 6)
  • Summary – Career and Technical Education FTE is calculated by adding the Career and Technical Education FTE for each grade for all tracks within each reporting period.
  • Refined Total = total of the six weeks FTE calculations divided by the number of reporting periods submitted with data and the total used in the SOF.

Advanced Career and Technical Education FTE:

  • 2020-2021 RA/RS include:
    • Days Eligible by V code = Total Days Eligible(V1-V6) + RS Total Days Eligible (V1-V6) + RA Total Days Eligible)V1-V6)

Report produces CTE FTEs eligible for a flat amount of $50.00 per FTE by each six weeks with a refined total and CTE funding calculation.

  • Students who are enrolled in two or more advanced CTE courses are included (Service ID E0724) when the sum of the course credits/units is equal to or greater than 3. (red text indicates the update to the report released 6/18/20)
  1. Multiplying the sum of Career and Technical Education eligible days present (V1, V2, etc.) for each grade by the corresponding weight factor to calculate contact hours.
    Contact Hours = (DAYS_ELIG * WEIGHT)
  2. Adding together the contact hours for all Career and Technical Education codes within the reporting period/instructional track.
  3. Dividing the total contact hours for each track by 6 times the number of days taught to yield the Career and Technical Education FTE for the track.
    Career & Technical Education FTE = Total Track Contact Hours / (DAYS_TAUGHT * 6)
  • Refined Total = total of the six weeks FTE calculations divided by the number of reporting periods submitted with data.
  • Adv CTE Allotment – Refined Total x 50.00 (dollars)

P-Tech Students

P-Tech Campus reported in Fall PEIMS beginning 2019-2020 generates $50 per student enrolled in the designated campus.

  • Total Count = Count of P-Tech Indicator (E1612) students reported in Fall PEIMS by campus
  • Adv CTE Allotment – Total Count x 50.00 (dollars)

New Tech Students

New Tech Network Campus reported in Fall PEIMS beginning 2019-2020 generates $50 per student enrolled in the designated campus.

  • Total Count = Count of New Tech Indicator (E1647) students reported in Fall PEIMS by campus
  • Adv CTE Allotment – Total Count x 50.00 (dollars)

Pregnancy Related Services(PRS) FTE:

  • 2020-2021 RA/RS included:
    • PRS Days Eligible = Total PRS Days Eligible + RS Total PRS Days Eligible + RA Total PRS Days Eligible

This section will display PRS FTE’s by six weeks, and the Total Refined.

  • District Summary – Pregnancy-Related Services FTE is calculated as the number of pregnancy-related services days multiplied by 0.2936. The product is divided by the number of days taught for each grade within the reporting period/instructional track (from the 42400 extension).
    Pregnancy Related Services FTE = ([DAYS_PREG * 0.2936] / DAYS_TAUGHT
  • Refined Total = total of the six weeks FTE calculations divided by the number of reporting periods submitted with data and the total used in the SOF.


  • Year filter (Default latest PEIMS file loaded)
  • Campus filter (Default all campuses)
  • Instructional Track filter (Default all instructional tracks)
  • Drill down on counts to see detailed student list

Resources for Calculations:

TEA HB3 Resource page: https://tea.texas.gov/About_TEA/Government_Relations_and_Legal/Government_Relations/House_Bill_3

Updated on 05/05/2023

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