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LEA Gifted Talented Program

Report Location: Student>Student Custom Reports>LEA / Campus

Summary: This report displays the LEA’s gifted talented programs which started being reported to PEIMS fall during the 2019-2020 school year.

Usage: Review report to ensure accurate PEIMS fall reporting of the LEA’s gifted talented programs.

Data Sources: Fall PEIMS

  • InterchangeEducationOrganization
    • 10010 LocalEducationAgencyExtension


  • Gifted Talented Program Code – E1645 (C223)
  • X under Year column indicates Gifted Talented Program was reported


  • Filter by
    • Multi-select Year (Default most recent 3 PEIMS fall years)
    • Multi-select Gifted Talented Program (Default All Gifted Talented Programs)
    • Multi-select District – ESC only (Default All Districts)
Updated on 07/06/2023

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