Summary: This report provides a count by campus, grade level, and all campuses summary for all prior year 7-12 grade students reported to PEIMS, along with counts for the current year statuses of those students.
Usage: Use this report to aid with the dropout recovery process prior to the end of the school-start window the last Friday in September. It can also be used to accurately report PEIMS information for the Fall submission.
Special Notes:
- Totals for all subset columns might not add up to the Prior Year Students column due to students counting in more than one column. For example, a student could be recorded as a leaver and a return snapshot student. Column counts not summing to the Prior Year Students column could indicate an issue with PEIMS coding.
- Additional Prior Year Students to Review* column will need to be compared to the SIS records for students who have moved to another Texas public school. These “movers” are not reported to PEIMS therefore they need to be eliminated. Students remaining could potentially be under-reported if no other updates are made to PEIMS records.
Data Source(s): PEIMS Fall and Summer records
- Fall PEIMS
- InterchangeStudent
- 40100 – Student Extension
- InterchangeStudentEnrollment
- 40110 – Student School Association Extension
- 40203 – School Leaver Extension
- InterchangeStudent
- Summer PEIMS
- InterchangeStudentAttendance
- 42400 – Basic Attendance
- 42500 – Flexible Attendance
- InterchangeStudentAttendance
- Report includes student counts based on both prior year summer attendance records, including flex attendance, and prior year fall ADA eligibility code = 0 (E0787) students who are only reported in the fall.
- Campus – Based on last campus attended in prior year summer attendance records or on campus enrolled in prior year fall snapshot for 0 ADA eligibility code (E0787) students
- Prior Year (Summer PEIMS & Fall PEIMS ADA=0)
- Grade Level – Based on last grade level in prior year summer attendance records or on grade level enrolled in prior year fall snapshot for 0 ADA eligibility code (E0787) students
- Students – Student counts of prior year based on the last attendance record and 0 ADA eligibility (E0787) students only reported in the fall
Note: Remaining columns are a subset of the Prior Year Students column and only include the students found in this column
- Fall PEIMS Leavers reported in current year (left prior year or over summer)
- Graduates (code 01) – Prior Year Students who have a current year fall leaver reason code (E1001) = 01
- Dropouts – Potential (code 98) – Prior Year Students who have a current year fall leaver reason code (E1001) = 98
- All Other Codes – Prior Year Students who have a current year fall leaver record that does not have a leaver reason code (E1001) 01 or 98
- Re-Enrolled Current Year
- As of Snapshot – Prior Year Students who have a current year fall 40110 record
- Within School Start Window, but Not enrolled on Snapshot – Prior Year Students who have a current year fall As of Status Code (E1002) = C
- Not within School Start Window – Prior Year Students who have a current year fall As of Status Code (E1002) = D or E
- Additional Prior Year Students to Review* – All Prior Year Students not already reported in another column
- Filter on:
- Multi-select Campus
- Year
- Use drill downs to review detailed student lists
- Dropouts – Potential (code 98), Not within School Start Window, and Additional Prior Year Students to Review* columns are highlighted in red since these are the most important student populations concerning dropout recovery.