Summary: This report displays students who have a leaver graduate record (leaver reason code = 01) but have no fall or summer enrollment records for the year they graduated.
Note: Same report exists under the Student>Student Data Validation>Leaver Validation folder and the Accountability>State: Accountability Report Center>A-F Rating System>Domain: Companion Reports folder
Usage: Review coding to ensure that students should be coded as a leaver graduate or that graduates aren’t missing fall and/or summer enrollment records.
Note: Students coded ADA Eligibility (E0787) 0 who aren’t enrolled on snapshot will be included in this report.
Data Sources:
- PEIMS Fall and Summer records
- Interchange Student
- 40100 – StudentExtension
- Interchange Student Enrollment
- 40203 – SchoolLeaverExtension
- Interchange Student
- Students coded E1001-Leaver Reason Code = 01-Student Graduated who have a blank Fall Enrollment Campus and Summer Enrollment Campus for the year they graduated
- Filter for
- Single-select Year (Default most recent leaver year for the year the students graduated)