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2023-2024 Loading CRDC – CUSTOM Data Sources

There are 15 available custom CRDC files which may be loaded for answering 29 questions under the CUSTOM Data Sources section on the CRDC Report Center main page. The File Center uploads link the student or staff member to the PEIMS data to completely fill out all of the columns and rows (gender, ethnicity, EL, IDEA, Section 504) for particular questions that can’t be solely answered with PEIMS data.

Please note, these uploads are not designed for third party products, for example the SIS files, which have already formatted the OCR columns in their systems. We are calculating the columns in our system based on matching the ID to the PEIMS data and creating the same OCR columns in our CSV extract files.

Format for CUSTOM Data Sources CSV Files (No header!):

  • Staff – SSN or TX Unique ID in column 1 and County District Campus # in column 2
  • Student – TX Unique ID, SSN, or Local ID in column 1 and County District Campus # in column 2


To upload your custom data sources’ CSV files, navigate to the File Center.  All files can be loaded with the CRDC>CUSTOM Data Sources tab.

  1. Click the green “Click to upload CUSTOM Data Sources files” bar to first locate and open the file.
  2. Choose the appropriate CRDC Section depending on the file being loaded.
  1. Once the CRDC Section is chosen, the CRDC Data Type dropdown is populated with the corresponding questions. Choose the appropriate CRDC Data Type.
  2. Click Start Upload


  • The user must select a CRDC Section and CRDC Data Type.
  • We highly suggest naming the custom files suggested below. This aids with troubleshooting.
  • If a file is reloaded for the same CRDC Section and Data Type, it will overwrite and replace the previous file except for the SECR and STAF-4 sections if they are edited at any point.
  • You may edit and re-load each of the files as often as you like, but do not load multiple files for the same CRDC Section at the same time.
  • Use the trashcan delete button to completely remove a file.

Summary of File Uploads Checklist

1) School & School Support Staff – Teacher AbsenteeismSTAF4_absent.csv
2) Security Staff – Sworn Law Enforcement OfficersSECR1_sworn_law_enf.csv
3) Security Staff – Security GuardsSECR1_security_guards.csv
4) Corporal PunishmentDISC_corporal_pun.csv
5) Students referred to law enforcement agency or officialARRS_law_enforce_referral.csv
6) Students who received a school related arrestARRS_school_arrest.csv
7) Students reported as harassed or bullied based on sexHIBS_student_harassed_sex.csv
8) Students reported as harassed or bullied based on race,  or color or national originHIBS_student_harassed_race.csv
9) Students Reported as harassed or bullied based on disabilityHIBS_student_harassed_disability.csv
10) Students disciplined for harassment or bullying on basis of sexHIBS_disc_harass_sex.csv
11) Students disciplined for harassment or bullying on basis of race, or color or national originHIBS_disc_harass_race.csv
12) Students disciplined for harassment or bullying on basis of disabilityHIBS_disc_harass_disability.csv
13) Students subjected to mechanical restraintRSTR_mech_restraint.csv
14) Students subjected to physical restraintRSTR_physical_restraint.csv
15) Students subjected to seclusionRSTR_seclusion.csv

Updated on 02/18/2025

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