Report Location: Student>Student Custom Reports>Attendance Reports>Attendance Student Detail
Summary: This report allows the user to select a specific % attendance rate and list all students who have a percentage in attendance rate equal to or below what is selected. The default is 89.99% (chronic absenteeism).
Usage: Use this report to find students who have low percentage in attendance rates in order to validate enrollment data or create interventions for chronically absent students.
Special Notes: To run this report for all students regardless of their percentage in attendance rate, change the % to 100.
- 2019-2020 COVID-19 ADA Adjustments per TEA Guidance: General Funding Question 1.
- Only reporting periods 1 – 4 are used in the 19-20 calculation, any 5-6 reporting period data is ignored.
- 2020-2021 & 2021-2022 COVID-19 Remote Attendance Calculation Adjustments
- RS Total Eligible Days Present -E1678
- RA Total Eligible Days Present – E1679
- Total Days Present = Total Eligible Days Present + RS Total Eligible Days Present + RA Total Eligible Days Present + Total Ineligible Days Present
- Total Days Membership = Total Eligible Days Present + RS Total Eligible Days Present + RA Total Eligible Days Present + Total Ineligible Days Present + Total Days Absent
- Percentage in Attendance = (Total Days Present/Total Days Membership) * 100
Data Source(s):
- PEIMS Summer records
- Interchange Student
- 40100-Student Extension Complex
- Interchange Student Attendance
- 42400-Basic Reporting Period Attendance Extension Complex
- Interchange Student
- PEIMS Fall records
- Interchange Student
- 40100-Student Extension Complex
- Interchange Student Program
- 40110 Student Program Extension Complex
- Interchange Student
- Total Eligible Days Present-E0937
- Total Days Absent-E0036
- Total Ineligible Days Present-E0936
Calculations: All values are summed for all reporting periods selected (*note 2019-2020 COVID-19 exception).
- Total Days Present = Total Eligible Days Present + Total Ineligible Days Present
- Total Days Membership = Total Eligible Days Present + Total Ineligible Days Present + Total Days Absent
- Percentage in Attendance = (Total Days Present/Total Days Membership) * 100
- Filter on:
- Single select Year (Default most recent summer PEIMS year loaded)
- Single select Campus (Default All Campuses)
- Single select Grade Level (Default All Grades)
- Single select Ethnicity (Default All Ethnicities)
- Single select Special Program Codes (Default no selection)
- Fall Codes
- At Risk – E0919 = 1 (C088)
- Bilingual – E1042 = 2, 3, 4, 5 (C175)
- ESL – E1043 = 2, 3 (C176)
- Immigrant – E0797 = 1 (C088)
- Summer Codes
- Economic Disadvantage – E0785 = 01, 02, 99 (C054)
- Gifted and Talented – E0034 = 1 (C088)
- Emergent Bilingual – E0790 = 1 (C061)
- Sped – E0794 = 1 (C088)
- Migrant – E0984 = 1 (C088)
- Fall Codes
- Single select Reporting period (Default All Reporting Periods)
- Data entry box for % in attendance rate
- Focus List filter option