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LSA Of Tracks Reporting Less Than Allowable Minutes Or Days

Report Location: Student>Student Data Validation>Summer Limited Scope Attendance Audit Review (TEA Desk Audit)

Summary: This report provides a district summary, a campus summary and a daily summary for the operational minutes or days by track, instructional program type, reporting period, and waiver type, including reported waiver types.

Usage: Check for campus/tracks reporting less than allowable minutes or days per the “Instructional Program Calendar Reporting” chart in the TWEDS. Less than allowable minutes or days could result in reduced funding for certain tracks of students.

Special Notes:

  • Instructional program type 03-Charter School before 1/1/2015
    • Sums Number Days Taught (E0935) and if < 180, displays campus
  • Instructional program type 13-JJAEPs
    • Sums Number Days Taught (E0935) + number of days with Calendar Waiver Event Type Code = 05-JJAEP School Day Waiver and if < 180, displays campus
  • For JJAEPs operating less than 180 days
    • Be sure there is a waiver on file from your JJAEP where they attest their calendar was approved by TX Dept. of Juvenile Justice

Data Sources: Summer PEIMS files

  • Interchange Education Org Calendar
    • 10200 Calendar Sub-Category
      • CalendarDateExtension Complex Type
      • ReportingPeriodExtension Complex Type


  • Track – E0975
  • Instructional Program Type – E1600 C215
  • Days Taught – E0935
  • Total School Day Operational Minutes – E1571
  • Total School Day Instructional Minutes – E1599
  • Total School Day Waiver Minutes – E1572
  • Breakdown of Waiver Minutes’ columns based on Calendar Waiver Event Type Code – E1570 C204


  • Toggle between tracks < Allowable Minutes or Days, all instructional tracks or specific tracks
  • Toggle between district, campus and daily minutes by using drill down on minutes’ links
  • Filter by
    • Year
    • Campus
    • Instructional Tracks
    • Reporting Periods (daily minutes only)

Resources for qualifications and calculations:

    • Data Element Reporting Requirements DR2
Updated on 04/10/2024

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