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Over-age Student Report

Report Location: Student – Student Custom Reports – Retention – Over-Age Student Report

This report provides a list of students that are considered over age for the grades that they are enrolled in.

Data elements used to determine over age eligibility.

1. Calculated Result: Duplicate grade enrollment status in any year
Comparison between current year grade any previous enrollment year that may result in a duplicate grade being reported.
Derived from: PEIMS Student >> Fall Enrollment >> Grade level

2. Calculated Result: Retained Status of 1 in any enrollment year
Review of current year and any prior that shows result of 1 (retained)
Derived from: PEIMS Student >> Fall Enrollment >> Retained Status

Additional data elements that would need to be created to flag possible overage students.

Default Min/Max age values used to determine overage values
We understand that not all district policies are the same, so we defined a default acceptable age range table by grade level. The current report defaults to our internally created default value table used to determine overage values detailed in the chart below. If you need to make adjustments follow the next step.

Default age min/max age ranges

Affect of Min/Max on Calculated Result
The minimum and maximum definitions will be calculated against the as of today/reference date age to include age + number of months
(Example: If a student’s Date of Birth is 10/15/2000 and today’s date is 08/01/2016 the age result would be 15.8 to represent age 15 and 8 months)

Edit Minimum /Maximum Age (District Defined)
Districts may choose to define their minimum / maximum age ranges to best fit their acceptable month range to allow for students that were slightly over or under the age(s) allowable for grade.

To change the default min/max age values

1. Click on the ‘Edit Max Age’ button above the reported list.

2. Adjust Minimum Age field and Maximum Age field only. Do not adjust the typical Minimum or Maximum values.

Updated on 10/01/2023

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