PEIMS (Legacy)
File cannot be zipped.
Please only upload PEIMS EDIT+ files in the ASCII format.
File name must contain no spaces
When naming a file, only use letters, numbers, dashes or underscores.
Select the school year in the drop down that matches the year of the file you are uploading.
If a PEIMS file has not been finalized and accepted by TEA, you may label the file as a “Preliminary” file. Please make sure to check the preliminary check box for the file.
If you are loading a Preliminary summer PEIMS file, make sure to select the most recent reporting period containing attendance data.
Default value for the reporting period for PEIMS files is 6.
Recommended file name format is as follows; <submission><year><district>. Ex: F2014999002, S2015999002 …
Legacy (Edit+) PEIMS File uploading steps:
Recommendation: take time to review the notes in red to ensure that the file is in the correct format so that it may be received by the file center.
- Click on the green upload button to upload the interchanges (must have administrative rights).

2. Locate the file, click on it, and select “Open”
3. File will be displayed in upload area. Check each column to ensure proper data load.
- Year
- Submission Options- Fall, Mid Year, Summer, Extended
- Preliminary Option – Flags the file to remind users that changes are to be expected. If unchecked, file will be labeled as “Final”.
- Reporting Period – Available only for Summer files to indicate how many six weeks of data are included in the file.
- Delete – a specific file before processing.
4. Start Upload – green tab
5. When data load is complete scroll down to history area to view the loaded file.
6. Click on the Info link, far right-hand side to see individual interchanges and/or to change the “status” of the file.
NOTE: The file status may be changed from final to preliminary or from preliminary to final on this screen.
BEST Practice: While a file is loading, you may retrieve other files and start the upload process.