Report Location: Student > Student Custom Reports > Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Reports > Refined ADA Report
Summary: This report displays refined average daily attendance and percent in attendance for each six weeks and total.
Usage: Use this report to verify funding projections for current year and to compare six weeks percentages between campuses or grade levels.
Special Notes:
- 2019-2020 COVID-19 ADA Adjustments per TEA Guidance: General Funding Question 1. – Steps 1 – Steps 2 applied on this report. Step 3 is outside the scope of this report at this time. (see Calculations below for details)
- 2020-2021 & 2021-2022 COVID-19 Remote Attendance Adjustments
- Totals include RS and RA remote attendance per the calculation.
- The Row will be labeled with (Covid-19 Remote) in the 2021 Year column.
Data Source(s): PEIMS Summer records
- Interchange Student Attendance
- 42400-Basic Reporting Period Attendance Extension Complex
- 2019-2020 COVID-19 ADA:
- REQUIRED: 2018-2019 Summer PEIMS files and 2019-2020 Summer PEIMS files uploaded into OnDataSuite for this calculation to accurately compute.
- 2018-2019 Historical Ratio =2018-2019 Refined ADA (1-6 six weeks) divided by 2018-2019 Refined ADA (1-4 six weeks).
- This ratio will display at the end of every 2019-2020 row.
- It will be used in the Covid-19 Adjusted Refined Total calculation for all ADA sections of the report.
- 2019-2020 rows will be shaded red to highlight the differences between years.
- 2019-2020 5th and 6th six weeks data will display “Covid-19” indicating it will be ignored in the 19-20 calculations.
- 2019-2020 Covid-19 Adjusted Refined Total = 1st – 4th six weeks Refined ADA ((Sum of 1st – 4th six weeks)/4)) multiplied by the 2018-2019 Historical Ratio
- 2019-2020 Refined Total PIA = 1st – 4th six weeks PIA
- 2018-2019 Historical Ratio =2018-2019 Refined ADA (1-6 six weeks) divided by 2018-2019 Refined ADA (1-4 six weeks).
- REQUIRED: 2018-2019 Summer PEIMS files and 2019-2020 Summer PEIMS files uploaded into OnDataSuite for this calculation to accurately compute.
- Refined ADA by six weeks – Sum of all students’ total eligible days present in a six-week period / number days taught in the six week period
- 2020-2021 & 2021-2022 RA/RS included: (Total eligible days present + RS Total eligible days present + RA Total eligible days present) / number days taught
- Refined ADA Total – Sum of all six-week periods, divided by six, and rounded to 3 decimals.
- (Total Eligible Days Present First Six Weeks / Number Days Taught First Six Weeks) +
- (Total Eligible Days Present Second Six Weeks / Number Days Taught Second Six Weeks) +
- (Total Eligible Days Present Third Six Weeks / Number Days Taught Third Six Weeks) +
- (Total Eligible Days Present Fourth Six Weeks / Number Days Taught Fourth Six Weeks) +
- (Total Eligible Days Present Fifth Six Weeks / Number Days Taught Fifth Six Weeks) +
- (Total Eligible Days Present Sixth Six Weeks / Number Days Taught Sixth Six Weeks) = Total Result
- Total Result / Number of reporting periods with values = Refined ADA Total
- PIA (Percent in Attendance) by six weeks and total = ((Total Eligible Days Present + Total Ineligible Days Present) / (Total Eligible Days Present + Total Ineligible Days Present + Total Days Absent)) * 100
- 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 RA/RS included: ((Total eligible days present + RS Total eligible days present + RA Total eligible days present + Total Ineligible Days Present) / (Total eligible days present + RS Total eligible days present + RA Total eligible days present + Total Ineligible Days Present + Total Days Absent)) * 100
- Filter on:
- Multi-select Years (Default Current Year)
- District/Campus Summary (Default District Summary)
- Multi-select Campuses
- Check District/Campus Summary in conjunction with campus(es) to display a campus summary of the campuses selected and each individual campus on a separate row
- All Grades Summary (Default All Grades Summary)
- Multi-Select Grades
- Check All Grades Summary in conjunction with grade level(s) to display a grade level summary of the grades selected and each individual grade level on a separate row
- Multi-select Instructional Tracks (Default All Tracks)
- Focus List to pull a group of students
- Toggle Student Counts to display a count of students being included in the ADA in red font
- Click again to turn off the toggle
- Use ‘Heatmap On’ and choose ADA or PIA with a minimum and maximum limit to highlight specific areas of concern
- Drill down on ADA counts to see detailed student lists (20-21, 21-22 and 22-23 RA/RS included in drilldowns)