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STAAR 3-8 Performance Report

Summary: This report provides 4 years worth of historical STAAR performance data for all students tested across all subgroups reported in TAPR. The report closely models the STAAR Performance reporting in the TAPR yet variances may occur due to rounding methodology and/or dataset differences.

Usage: Use this report to evaluate the historical averages and trends across the disaggregated subgroups by grade, subject and performance level at the district or campus level for improvement planning purposes. This report is not based upon the October snapshot date. All students are included, not just the accountability subset.

Special Notes: This report looks back 4 years and requires multiple files to be loaded:

It requires both the PEIMS Fall and Summer interchange files beginning with 2015-2016 to current year in order to calculate the subgroups : EL (Current and Monitored), Special Ed (Current and Former, Continuously Enrolled and Non-Continuously Enrolled).

It requires all STAAR 3-8 assessment files to be loaded beginning with 2015-2016.

The STAAR 3-8 report may differ from reports provided by TEA. The OnDataSuite report uses PEIMS and assessment data files loaded by the district, which may contain students who tested with your district and may have been present in your district at some point but were later moved to the accountability subset of another district by TEA after all PEIMS and assessment data has been reported statewide.

Data Source(s):

  • STAAR Assessment 3-8
  • PEIMS Fall
  • PEIMS Summer



  • STAAR Rates
    • Number of passers/Number of Takers


  • Toggle Details: displays the numerator/denominator values for each STAAR calculation. The linked numerator and denominator allow drill down to the student list in the respective category.
  • Toggle Summary: hides the numerator/denominator details.
  • Filters by Campus
  • Jump to selection to focus the report on a specific grade level and performance standard in the Show All Performance Levels & Grades view only.
  • Quick navigation reset to top of the page on the Show All Performance Levels & Grades (up arrow in top right blue header).

Resources for qualifications and calculations:

Updated on 03/10/2023

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