Report Location: Accountability>State: Accountability Report Center>State Compensatory Education
Summary: This report compares 2 years of STAAR EOC achievement results by subject for economic disadvantage compared to not economic disadvantage populations with a gap breakdown and percentage difference between the two.
Usage: Information aids with State Compensatory Education (SCE) evaluation preparation to TEA when staged for improvement.
Data Sources: STAAR EOC Records
- Eco Dis/Not Eco Dis based on STAAR EOC Administration
- Eco Dis = Codes 1, 2, 9
- Not Eco Dis = Blank or Code 0
- Eco Dis Percentage = Number of Eco Dis students reaching particular achievement / Number of Eco Dis students taking subject assessment
- Not Eco Dis Percentage = Number of Not Eco Dis students reaching particular achievement / Number of Not Eco Dis students taking subject assessment
- Gap = Not Eco Dis percentage – Eco Dis Percentage
- % Diff = Most Recent Year percentage or gap – Prior Year percentage or gap
- Highlighting indicates positive or negative movement
- Green-positive movement
- Note: negative numbers can be shaded green if the movement is in the right direction; For example negative numbers in the Gap % Diff for all achievements except for Did Not Meet are positive since the gap is closing
- Red-negative movement
- Note: positive numbers can be shaded red if the movement is in the wrong direction; For example positive numbers in the Did Not Meet % Diff on Eco Dis vs Not Eco Dis are negative movement since a higher number of students are failing
- Green-positive movement
- Highlighting indicates positive or negative movement
- Year indicates base year of comparison to one year prior (Default most recent year of STAAR EOC results)
- Multi-select Campus (Default All Campuses summarized)
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- Review numerators and denominators used to calculate percentages
- Drill down on numerators and denominators to view detailed student lists
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