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STAAR 3-8 Test Administered

STAAR Test Administered Report

The STAAR Test Administered Report requires two items to run: The name of the Teacher which comes from the Class Roster Winter Enrollment collection and the year the test was administered. It then returns a list of students that match the requested criteria as well as:

Student ID, Name, Grade, Subject, Time of Year Administered, Raw Score, Scaled Score, Level II Satisfactory (Green Checkmark for Yes, Red X for No.), Level III Advanced (Green Checkmark for Yes, Red X for No.).

After the report is run you can filter/search by typing your search/filter criteria in the associated boxes below the column titles. You can also use the Search box in the upper right corner of the report to search the entire report (not just one column). You can also sort by the individual columns by clicking the on the column titles. Each click on a column flips between sorting ascending and descending sorts for that column.

Clicking on the Student ID link will load the associated Student profile.

Updated on 03/10/2023

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