Staff Certification– Accepted Data File Layout
This file is a Comma Separated Value format (.CSV) – see file format below.
Reference for details on where this upload is utilized in OnDataSuite.
The certification data to be uploaded is accessed in the TEA TEAL Educator Certification Online System (ECOS) using ECOS Entities access:
TEA Quick Reference Guide:
To generate the download from ECOS use the following steps:
Requires TEAL ECOS General Access role to generate the following file within ECOS.
- Create a CSV with Staff SSNs of staff for which you are requesting certification information.
- Use this list of staff to upload into the ECOS System under File Transfer – Certification Info.
- Once you submit this file with the parameters noted below, the ECOS system will generate a download of the Certification and Sanctions Info by SSN. This is the file you will use to upload into ODS.

The download should not need to be edited in any way before uploading in ODS. To verify the file layout, see details below.
OnDataSuite file layout required to successfully upload Staff Certification data.
- This file is a CSV (Comma Separated) file
- The file contain headers as created by the ECOS system.
- The file format is as follows and in this order:
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Suffix
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Ethnicity Description
- Standard Code
- Program Opt Code
- Field Code
- Cert Lvl Code
- Cert Level
- Section Desc
- Cert Desc
- Grade Level
- Type Description
- Test Print
- Cert Effective Date
- Cert Expire Date
- Cert Status Desc
- Cert Typ Code
- Cert Type
- Santion Type
- Sanction Begin Date
- Sanction End Date
- Sanction Status
- Teacher Designation
- Designation Expiry Date
Note: It is not necessary to remove certifications that are expired or non-instructional.
Uploading TEAL – Staff Certifications into OnDataSuite –Once a file is created from ECOS as defined above, use the following steps to upload into OnDataSuite:
- Log into OnDataSuite, go to “File Center”/ “Data Sources”
- Select the blue “TEAL – Staff Certifications” tab.
- Scroll and Use the green “Click to upload Staff Certifications files” button to browse to the csv file created to upload.

- Once the csv file is selected: choose the year the file is associated with and click Start Upload. **Note Cancel Upload from this point will reset you to the previous step.
- The ‘Year’ selection should match to the year of the ESSA PR1500 reporting. For example, if you are wanting to populate the 2022-223 ESSA PR1500 reports, click on ‘2022-2023’.
- Only one file is maintained per year. If current file already exists for a particular year, a new file load for that same year will replace existing file.

- Select the green “Start Upload” to process the file.