Report Location: Staff > Staff Custom Reports > Staff Ethnicity/Gender > Staff Demographic Ethnicity/Gender Summary Review
Summary: This report provides a Staff Ethnicity and Gender count summary in a multi-year District Summary and a single year by Campus Summary.
Usage: Utilize to compare current year to previous year ethnicity and/or gender distribution of all staff at the district level and by campus. Ability to sort, filter and analyze on ethnicity, gender and utilizing a focus list.
Data Source: Fall PEIMS Staff
- 30040, 30043 – Staff Extension Complex Type
- 30060- PayrollExtension Complex Type
- 30090 – StaffResponsibilitiesExtension Complex Type
- District Summary – By Default report reflects the latest five years of district unduplicated staff counts and percentages by Ethnicity distribution and Gender distribution.
- Using the Year filter, you may add years or remove years on this multi-year summary.
- Campus Summary – select this view and Submit for a single year by campus count and percentages of staff by Ethnicity distribution and Gender distribution.
- Years (multi-select); Default most current five years.
- Ethnicity (multi-select): Default is all
- Gender (multi-select): Default is all
- Focus List (optional) – reference kb for additional assistance with Focus Lists.