Detailed student information from the live TEA Ed-Fi IODS can be viewed on the student’s profile. When viewing a student profile scroll down on the left-side navigation menu to the bottom.
The information listed is in JSON format and follows domains and entities found in the TEDS ODS Upgrade Data Standards documents found here:
We will continue to add categories throughout the school year.
NOTE: OnDataSuite does not have the ability to determine why a student is coded a particular way in the TEA Ed-Fi IODS. You will need to contact your SIS vendor for discrepancies.
Use Copy top right-hand side of screen to paste data shown to the Clipboard for moving into another application, Word, Excel, etc.
Scroll further down on screen to see Definitions and specific tx sections that contain the elements included in the domain/entity shown on the screen along with file specifications for the element.
Basic Rpt Prd Attendance
- Student Attendance Domain
- BasicReportingPeriodAttendance Entity
Bil/ESL Pgm Rpt Prd Attendance
- Student Attendance Domain
- BilingualESLProgramReportingPeriodAttendance Entity
Course Transcript
- Student Academic Record Domain
- CourseTranscript Entity
CTE Pgm Rpt Prd Attendance
- Student Attendance Domain
- CTEProgramReportingPeriodAttendance Entity
Discipline Action
- Discipline Domain
- DisciplineAction Entity
Discipline Incident
- Discipline Domain
- DisciplineIncident Entity
- Student Identification and Demographics Domain
- Parent Entity
Prior Year Leavers (TX)
- Prior Year Leaver (TX) Domain
- PriorYearLeaver (TX) Entity
Restraint Event
- Student Special Education Program Eligibility Domain
- RestraintEvent Entity
Special Ed Pgm Rpt Prd Attendance
- Student Attendance Domain
- SpecialEducationProgramReportingPeriodAttendance Entity
Special Pgms Rpt Prd Attendance
- Student Attendance Domain
- SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendance Entity
- Student Identification and Demographics Domain
- Student Entity
Student Academic Records
- Student Academic Record Domain
- StudentAcademicRecord Entity
Student CTE Program
- Alternative and Supplemental Services Domain
- StudentCTEProgramAssociation Entity
Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations
- Discipline Domain
- StudentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation Entity
Student Ed Org Associations
- Student Identification and Demographics Domain
- StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation Entity
Student Ed Org Responsibility Associations
- Enrollment Domain
- StudentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation Entity
Student Lang Instr Prog Associations
- Alternative and Supplemental Services Domain
- StudentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation Entity
Student Parent Associations
- Student Identification and Demographics Domain
- StudentParentAssociation Entity
Student School Associations
- Enrollment Domain
- StudentSchoolAssociation Entity
Student Section Associations
- Teaching and Learning Domain
- StudentSectionAssociation Entity
Student Special Education Program
- Alternative and Supplemental Services Domain
- StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation Entity
Student SPED Prog Elig Assoc (TX) – Child Find (Currently Not Available)
- Student Special Education Program Eligibility Association (TX) Domain
- StudentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation (TX) Entity
Student Title I Part A Program Association Entity
- Alternative and Supplemental Services Domain
- StudentTitleIPartAProgramAssociation Entity