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Students Continuously Enrolled Fall Snapshot

Report Location: Student >Student Custom Reports>Miscellaneous

Summary: This report displays students who have been continuously enrolled from a base year fall snapshot to preceding years’ fall snapshot. The campus and grade level will be shown for all years selected.

Usage: Review for number of different reasons including accountability, end of year awards, GPA considerations, etc.

Special Notes:

  • Students do not have to be in the same campus for preceding years in order to be considered continuously enrolled. The only time campus is used is in the base yr campus filter to pull a specific campus(es), but the preceding years can be at any campus.

Data Sources: Fall PEIMS Records

  • Interchange Student Enrollment
    • 40110 – StudentSchoolAssociationExtension Complex Type


  • Base Year indicates the year of the students’ fall snapshot to pull and # of Preceding Years indicates how many more years to display. The student must be in the base year fall snapshot and every single fall snapshot for the # of Preceding Years to be considered continuously enrolled.
  • Note: If you pull # of Preceding Years greater than the number of years in File Center for Fall snapshot, you will receive no records.


  • Filter by:
    • Base Year (default current year)
    • Base Yr Campus (default All Campuses)
    • Base Yr Grade Level (default All Grades)
    • # of Preceding Years (default 3 years back)
  • Note: Default report will show 4 years of campus and grade level information
  • Focus List to see results by special program, attendance instructional track, grade level, etc.
Updated on 05/06/2024

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