Summary: This query displays a list of students who are reported with a course completion/transcript record on a CTE course, but do not have corresponding CTE contact hours.
Usage: The students on this report need to be reviewed to ensure they have the proper CTE contact hours to enable the district to claim funding if applicable (V1 – V6 codes).
Data Sources: Summer PEIMS records
- Interchange Student Transcript Extension
- 43415 Course Completion Sub-Category
CourseTranscriptExtension Complex Type
- 43415 Course Completion Sub-Category
- Interchange Student Attendance Extension
- 42401 Special Programs Reporting Period Attendance Sub-Category
SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension Complex Type
The SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension Complex Type is used to report the following attendance sub-categories: - 42410 – Career and Technical Education
- 42510 – Career and Technical Flexible Attendance
- 42401 Special Programs Reporting Period Attendance Sub-Category
- Filter on:
- Year
- Campus
- Grade Level (default 9th – 12th grades)
Special Notes: Examples to consider – See SAAH
- 7th and 8th CTED students only may claim funding if qualifications are met.
- CTE courses taught by non certified/qualified teachers may not claim funding.
- Districts not offering at least one coherent sequence of CTE courses in at least three different Career Cluster may not claim funding.