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Summer LSA Of Early Education Students With No SPED Setting Or Speech Therapy Only

Note: Report Updated 6/24/2024 to evaluate each six weeks separately instead of cumulative year to date which means more students may show on the list

Summary: This report is a reflection of the TEA desk audit that will provide a list of EE students without a SPED Instructional Setting or with an instructional setting of Speech Only (00) for each six week reporting period.

Usage: Verify EE student’s Instructional settings and eligible/ineligible days reported (Summer PEIMS)
NOTE: Documentation (ARD/IEP) should be in place to verify students coding for audit purposes.

Special Notes:

  • How to tell which criteria is met:
    • Students marked as EE but not SPED will have blanks starting with the Instructional Setting column (except for zeroes in the SPED Mainstream Days Present columns)
    • Students marked as EE, Speech Only, will have 00 in the Instructional Setting column with Eligible Days Present in Instructional Setting > 0
    • For EE students who are coded instructional setting 00 (speech therapy only) verify the following:
      • That the student is coded appropriately for funding if meeting the 2-4 hour rule or is not included in summer PEIMS reporting if attending less than 2 hours a day
      • That the student is not mistakenly coded as speech therapy only when they should be coded mainstream

Data Sources: Summer PEIMS

  • Interchange Student Attendance Extension
    • 42400 Basic Attendance Sub-Category
      BasicReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension Complex Type
    • 42401 Special Programs Reporting Period Attendance Sub-Category
      SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension Complex Type
      • 42405 Special Education Attendance
  • Interchange Student Program Extension
    • 40110 Student Program Extension


  • EE students with no Special Education record (42405) and Total Eligible Days Present-E0937 > 0 (claiming funding)
    • OR
  • EE students with Special Education Mainstream Days Present-E0940 = 0 and Instructional Setting-E0173 of 00 – Speech Only.
  • 2020-2021 & 2021-2022 COVID-19 Remote Attendance Calculation Adjustments
    • Additionally looks for:
      • no Special Education record (42405) and (Total Eligible Days-E0937 + RS Total Eligible Days Present-E1678 + RA Total Eligible Days Present-E1679) > 0
      • RS Special Education Mainstream Days Present-E1688 = 0 and RS Instructional Setting-E1692 of 00 AND
      • RA Special Education Mainstream Days Present-E1689 = 0 and RA Instructional Setting-E1693 of 00
  • Campus – 42400 record
  • SPED – E0794
  • Instructional Track – E0975
  • Attendance Reporting Period – E0934
  • Total Ineligible Days Present – E0936
  • Total Eligible Days Present – E0937
  • Instructional Setting – E0173
  • Eligible Days Present in Instr Setting – E0944
  • Total Eligible Special Ed Mainstream Days Present – E0940
  • RS Instructional Setting Code – E1692
  • RS Eligible Days Present in Instr Setting – E1690
  • RS Total Elig SPED Mainstream Days Present – E1688
  • RA Instructional Setting Code – E1693
  • RA Eligible Days Present in Instr Setting – E1691
  • RA Total Elig SPED Mainstream Days Present – E1689

Resources for qualifications:

To claim funding for EE students, they must qualify as per the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH).

  • Special Education with an Instructional setting other than Speech Only.
    • Age: 0-2 must be visually or auditorily impaired or both.
    • Age 3+ can be any disabling condition other than Speech Only
Updated on 06/24/2024

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