TEA Ed-Fi IODS Connection

Location: Administrator>Site Settings

Reference TEA’s training documentation for adding an application in order to generate a Key and Secret for OnDataSuite. Claim Set Name should be set to “Read-Only All Resources“. Note that we would not be a SIS Vendor or any other type of vendor since we consume data on the TEA IODS not publish data to it.

TEAL Admin

OnDataSuite TEA Ed-Fi IODS Connection

  • On the initial setup, you will see the year 2024-2025, a blank Key/Secret, and the Latest Sync message “Not Synced”
  • Enter the Key and Secret by copying and pasting them from TEAL first to notepad and then from notepad to these boxes, and click Update/Sync to initiate the connection and data pull.
    • Note: Due to characters such as I (capital I) or l (lowercase L) being interpreted differently depending on keyboard attributes, etc., it is highly advisable to first paste the key and secret to Notepad or Notepad++ and then copy/paste that to the Key and Secret in OnDataSuite.
  • Once the connection is successful and data starts pulling, a yellow box with a message and spinner will display.
    • Note you can navigate away from this screen at any point to continue working in other areas.
  • Once the data load is complete, a statement will be displayed below the 2024-2025 year row documenting the user, date and time stamp the connection occurred. It will also display how long ago the latest sync occurred. It will be rare to have to visit this screen again once a successful initial pull has occurred.
  • After the load is complete, users should review the File Center>Data Sources>TSDS Ed-Fi>Ed-Fi API section for further load information.
  • The black footer on every page of OnDataSuite – OnPoint will display a TEA Ed-Fi: date/time stamp in the lower right side (see ex:)

Nightly Data Pull Schedule

  • At the bottom of the screen is the Nightly Data Pull Schedule which is defaulted to 1:00 a.m. every morning to pull data from the TEA IODS landing zone.
  • To modify, click on the time’s dropdown box and change to the desired time. The change will be automatic and will give an updated time message at the bottom of the box.

Errors that can occur with set up

  • If your initial set up or reentering a new Key/Secret for any reason does not work, you will receive a message “Failed to authenticate for year 2025: Invalid token response.”
  • This message could indicate a number of issues including TEA Ed-Fi is down, Incorrect Key, and/or Incorrect Secret. Please ensure the Key and Secret are correct and that TEA is operational before submitting a ticket for assistance.
  • If the Key and Secret are incorrect, simply reenter the correct Key and Secret, click Update/Sync, and if successful, it will state that data is currently being pulled.
    • Note: Due to characters such as I (capital I) or l (lowercase L) being interpreted differently depending on keyboard attributes, etc., it is highly advisable to first paste the key and secret to Notepad or Notepad++ and then copy/paste that to the Key and Secret in OnDataSuite.
Updated on 09/14/2024

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